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ARETÈ | International Design Workshop
United Kingdom Architecture News - Aug 20, 2014 - 15:41 3918 views
September 14-21 2014
"Aretè | abitare le rovine" is an international workshop about the renovation of architecture, landscape and urban environments in the context of the city and contemporary territories.
The event is part of the activities of the cultural festival ÆTNA LANDSCAPES organized by the Foundation and the Order of the Planning, Landscaping and Preserving Architects of the province of Catania in collaboration with the Cultural Association Officina 21 and the contribution of the cultural associations of the territories concerned.
The workshop aims to promote the debate among the participants, as a key moment of growth, increasing the potential to design in international working groups and presents the following objectives:
Explore and experiment, through the architectural project, the possibilities to transform ruins and build a new landscape, experimenting at the levels of technology,design and urban architecture, using also instruments such as projection mapping,street art and the urban landart for the RI.U. SO. (rigenerazione urbana sostenibile).
Consolidate and build the identity of those (urban and rural) cities, considered marginal for disuse and decay, that need flexible and sustainable management policies, aiming to create a shared program, to develop planning, programming activities and an architectural/urban project which can be exported and realized also with the aid of: makers, fablabers, urban farmers, startuppers, smart citizens and co-workers.
Acquire and support contemporary architecture projects of excellence, to develop a thematic touristic track and present the opportunity to realise a permanent project laboratory through the biannual workshop.
Develop and implement permanent processes of cultural and interdisciplinary influences through the involvement of architects, photographers, artists and/or national and international writers to create a new cultural landscape.
Implement and contribute to the creation of new opportunities for public and private investments in order to start processes for ethical and sustainable development to regenerate the living space, developing - in parallel - procedures to measure the economic and social outcomes of interventions.
curators and promoter
Ordine degli Architetti PPC Catania (OAPPC CATANIA) Fondazione Ordine degli Architetti PPC Catania (FOAPPC CATANIA)
with Officina21
Workshop delegate of the President OAPPC of Catania and Direction/
Francesco Finocchiaro
The deadline for submission of applications is 31 August 2014 at 14:00.
For detailed information click on PDF