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AIA officially shares its ’’deep concerns’’ on Trump’s travel restrictions

United States Architecture News - Feb 22, 2017 - 12:41   11730 views

AIA officially shares its ’’deep concerns’’ on Trump’s travel restrictions

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has expressed its ''deep concerns'' on Donald Trump's 'unfair' travel ban for disrupting ''fairness and equity'' and creating ''profoundly negative business impact'' on construction industry -which may affect not only ''specific countries or regions'' but broad factors, including religion, states the AIA.

Regarding to Trump's travel restrictions, the AIA has declared its own 7 principles on immigration to promote free movement, plus to show the statistics of collaboration with foreign countries for the construction industry, recorded so far.

''Beyond the essential considerations of fairness and equity, restrictions targeting specific areas of the world can have profoundly negative business impacts,'' said AIA President Thomas Vonier, FAIA.  

''Professional service exports are a key contributor to AIA member firms and their earnings. In fact, the entire international building development, design and construction sector relies heavily on reciprocal treatment and on the fair and ethical ability to travel, reside and work across national boundaries.''

According to the AIA, in addition to the need for regular legal travel by employees, clients and associates, many American architecture firms—like other industries and businesses—must be able to attract and retain qualified, skilled people from other countries in order to remain competitive. Targeted immigration restrictions, particularly when applied unfairly and without warning, can thwart recruiting efforts. They can also greatly inhibit business activity.

Unilateral travel restrictions can damage the future of many professions, from medicine to architecture. In higher education, international students and faculty are essential to the future of our profession. The AIA also participates in international professional bodies which sponsor programs and activities that rely on the necessary movement of all parties.

''Our profession, like the entire building industry, benefits from the contributions of immigrants and others outside of the United States, and from visa and immigration policies that are uniform, transparent, fair and free from arbitrary implementation,''says the AIA.

Read the 7 principles of the AIA below:

-All people everywhere must be treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

-Immigration policy must ensure our visa system welcomes individuals who want to contribute to society and stops those who seek to harm us.

-Architecture is a global profession. Immigration and travel restrictions can disrupt the business of many of our nation’s architectural firms that serve clients and employ staff in and from the countries targeted by the restrictions.

-Architecture firms and many other businesses must have the ability to attract and retain highly qualified and skilled talent from within and outside the US to remain competitive and meet demand.

-Freedom to travel without unnecessary restrictions enhances our ability to create and pursue business wherever opportunities exist, and to better serve our clients. Strong businesses create jobs that contribute to the health of the US and global economy.

-Exposure to global perspectives on the built environment is an essential part of architecture and architectural education in the US, and immigrants, colleagues, students and faculty from around the world contribute significantly to this character.

-Societies everywhere benefit from the ability of architects of all nationalities to collaborate.

The AIA had stated a willingness to work with Donald Trump on the development of US's infrastructure and to develop new investments in schools, hospitals and other public infrastructures, released by Chief Executive Officer Robert Ivy.

Top image © Howard Kingsnorth

> via The AIA