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reSITE brings top architects and infrastructure experts to Prague
Czech Republic Architecture News - Feb 16, 2017 - 17:19 12968 views
Top architects and infrastructure experts will speak at this year's reSITE Conference, which will be held in Prague's Forum Karlin, Czech Republic from 22 to 23 June, 2017. One of the most respected architects in the world, Kazuyo Sejima, from Tokyo-based studio SANAA, and the architect and professor Teddy Cruz are the first keynote speakers announced for the upcoming reSITE conference. Deputy Mayor of Paris, Jean-Louis Missika, in addition to 40 global experts will speak in Prague.
The annual event that aims to improve the urban environment will explore smart and inspiring solutions, infrastructure and urban innovations that are sometimes invisible to citizens.
''This is a dream line-up, we have been trying to bring these guests for over two years,''reveals Martin Barry, reSITE’s Chairman and an awarded urbanist himself.
reSITE, Europe’s most interactive architecture and cities forum, will delve into a special theme called ''In/visible City'' at Prague’s Forum Karlin.
''We will make the connections visible between the invisible infrastructure that drives real estate, cultural and economic development in smarter cities,'' says Martin Barry, reSITE’s Chairman.
Kazuyo Sejima, from Tokyo-based studio SANAA.Image © Aiko Suzuki
The unbearable lightness of sustainable building. And controversy
Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima, Principal of the studio SANAA, marked history by being the second women to win the Pritzker Prize, the ''nobel prize of architecture,'' and the first female curator of the prestigious Venice Architecture Biennale, in 2010.
Tokyo Dior Omotesando. Image © Osamu Okamura
Kazuyo Sejima is the architect of the New Museum in NYC, the Naoshima Ferry Terminal in Japan, and Rolex Learning Center in Lausanne. She has created dozens of award-winning designs around the world using glass, metallic and concrete surfaces – causing fascinating interactions with surrounding public space. She has also designed several elegant infrastructure projects, an invisible train and whimsical furniture for leading brands such as Vitra.
Teddy Cruz, Professor of Public Culture and Urbanization in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of California, and Fonna Forman, Professor and Director of the Center on Global Justice, University of California, San Diego. Image © Estudio Teddy Cruz + Forman
Guatemala-born American architect, Teddy Cruz, Professor of Public Culture and Urbanization in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of California, San Diego, will address the highly controversial topic of Donald Trump’s dividing wall on the US-Mexican border.
Together with his research partner Fonna Forman, Professor and Director of the Center on Global Justice, University of California, San Diego, they will present how this infrastructure – the wall - affects the urban development, urban economies, architecture and the lives of communities of San Diego and Tijuana.
Paris Deputy Mayor Jean-Louis Missika. Image © Sophie Robichon/Mairie de Pais
Paris Deputy Mayor Jean-Louis Missika, in charge of urban planning, architecture and attractiveness, will give a special lecture about Reinvent Paris, one of world's biggest and most ambitious urban development projects fully based on participation of the community and developers that defined new uses for as many as 23 city-owned sites. A useful example for cities of all sizes.
Reinvent Paris, Pitet. Image © Ville de Paris
Infrastructure and smart data for the future smart cities
Martina Ableidinger from the municipality of Vienna will share state-of-the-art strategies in sustainable waste management that results in consequent energy savings, cleaner streets or re-use of still functional household equipment. The founder of the first Czech electric car-sharing system Emuj Iva Stastna will present the pilot project of the city of Brno and the potential for extension to other towns.
Jacopo Hirschstein and Amanda Taylor. Image © Tekja
reSITE will also meet information architects Amanda Taylor and Jacopo Hirschstein from London-based practice Tekja to talk about smart data infrastructure. They have designed a situation room for the City of Prague that generates visualization of real time data provided by inhabitants.
The registrations have been opened and discounted rates will last until the February 28.
Tickets are available in 3 categories: professionals, municipalities/NGOs and students. VIP packages are also on sale.
In addition to lectures and discussions, reSITE has designed its most innovative program yet with interactive games, workshops, roundtables, and 1:1 meetings with experts.
World Architecture Community is Media Partner for reSITE 2017: In/visible City, which next year again takes place in Forum Karlin, Prague.
World Architecture Community has recorded some keynote sessions and published interviews last year, which can be read on our Urban Development page.
Top image © reSITE
> via reSITE