Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
Criticizing letter to LACMA by Alexandra Lange:The letter interrogates the building in detail
Turkey Architecture News - Apr 02, 2015 - 17:54 4942 views
Peter Zumthor rebuilding LACMA image via Archpaper
Alexandra Lange,is an architecture and design critic,has written an open letter to LACMA in her own website on Monday, 25 March 2015 and Lange sends an incisive critic and messages focusing on ''hierarchy'' as related to other large museums by considering the new proposal of the LACMA building designed by Peter Zumthor.Here's is an open letter of Alexandra Lange:
'''Letter to LACMA
I’ve only been to LACMA one time. But this is what I did when I was there.
1. Took a photo (not a selfie) of Chris Burden’s Urban Light.
2. Signed up to see the James Turrell on an iPad at an outdoor kiosk.
3. Listened to the jazz band on the plaza.
4. Rode the escalator up and the elevator down inside what will soon be the old Broad.
5. Walked up and down the stairs and through Tony Smith’s Smoke.
6. Rapped on the enamel panels of the Art of Americas Wing.
7. Saw some art.
That motley list of movements and buildings and sights is, it seems to me, the essence of what LACMA is right now, a museum in many parts, a sum of choices, without hierarchy. A place where you can go in and you can go out at will, not when the architecture tells you to.
That’s an experience rare in large urban museums today, where the impulse always seems to be to agglomerate more real estate, connected indoors, around a central atrium or a central staircase. To go out you have to retrace your steps through long sequences of galleries, or pass to and fro past the store, café, coatcheck. There are many layers of architecture between you and the outside, however many slot-like windows the architect has inserted to tell you where you are. There’s a relentlessness to the arrangement that says, You should see it all, rather than, at LACMA, Why don’t you just pop in for a minute?''....Continue Reading
> via Alexandra Lange