Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
Behind The Scenes:ARUP
Turkey Architecture News - Jan 21, 2015 - 11:15 4923 views
image courtesy of Danish Architecture Centre
Date:7 May 2015,@15.30-17.30 p.m.
Location:Frederiksborggade 15, 7th floor, 1360 Copenhagen K, Denmark
The Danish Architecture Centre and a number of innovative companies invite you to a number of after work events that’ll give you an insight into the company, its projects and people. Join us for a look behind the scenes, meet the building industry across different disciplines and get new knowledge about recent tendencies while strengthening your professional network.
Today the best man for a specific job might be placed in Singapore while the project is in Sweden. International mobility of the staff is crucial to ensure the best people are available anywhere. This globalization of labour not only creates both challenges and potentials but also outlines a new working culture across people and borders.
Arup opens the doors to its Danish office and invites you to experience its international company culture. Meet Arup Denmark Group Leader, Sandra Akmansoy, and hear about Arup's thoughts on the future development of the building industry in a global world.
Sign-up And Price:
Registration is necessary through the link below.
Price: 75 kr.
> via Danish Architecture Centre