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Nordic, AART architects, SMAK,Midtconsult&Vega Landscape has won the open competition

United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 02, 2015 - 10:43   9276 views

Nordic, AART architects, SMAK,Midtconsult&Vega Landscape has won the open competition

A team consisting of Nordic, AART architects, SMAK, Midtconsult and Vega Landscape has won the open competition for the psychiatry cluster at the new super-hospital DNV Gødstrup in Denmark.

Nordic, AART architects, SMAK,Midtconsult&Vega Landscape has won the open competition

The 15 000 m² build­ing links the psy­chi­a­try unit to the so­matic de­part­ments.The pro­posal con­tin­ues the or­thog­o­nal build­ing struc­ture of the hos­pi­tal, but on a smaller more in­ti­mate scale with soft in­te­ri­ors, ubiq­ui­tous con­tact with the out­door ar­eas and bright, life-af­firm­ing spaces that sup­port pa­tients' heal­ing process.

Nordic, AART architects, SMAK,Midtconsult&Vega Landscape has won the open competition

All Images courtesy of Nordic — Of­fice of Ar­chi­tec­ture

Project Facts

Location:Gødstrup, Denmark


Responsible Partner:Johannes Eggen


Construction Cost:380 mill DKK

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