Submitted by Jona Osmani

SHARE TIRANA 2018: the International Architecture & Engineering Forum

Albania Architecture News - Jan 31, 2018 - 05:01   18379 views

SHARE TIRANA 2018: the International Architecture & Engineering Forum

On 20th of February, a very interesting event will be held in the center of Tirana. SHARE Tirana 2018 will bring together principal and senior architects from international practices to discuss on contemporary topics in the fields of Architecture and Engineering. The forum will feature lectures and presentations focused on the present and future of the field, innovatory technologies and building materials, smart and sustainable built environment, etc. 

SHARE Tirana 2018 is organized  by three national associations: the Albanian Architects Association, the Architects Association of Kosovo, and the Architects Association of Macedonia. The Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria has been an important partner in the organization of this event.

SHARE TIRANA 2018: the International Architecture & Engineering Forum

SHARE Tirana will serve as platform aiding the networking, business, inspiration, and the exchange of ideas between professionals. Several notable architects from ten countries will present their awarded and innovative projects to the forum participants.

SHARE TIRANA 2018: the International Architecture & Engineering Forum

The five Albanian studios, whose projects will be presented at SHARE Tirana, were selected via an open call by the event organizers. The national architecture studios and their representatives are as follows:
- Dea Studio, represented by Ervin Taçi,
- Commonsense Studio, represented by Jurtin Hajro,
- Atelier 4 Studio, represented by Olsi Efthimi,
- Studio B&L, represented by Doriana Bozgo Bleta,
- Studio Raça Arkitekture, represented by Artan Raça.

Full list of Speakers can be found here.
The Event Schedule can be found here.

Members of the three National Architects Associations are given free access to the forum. Other professionals (architects, engineers, etc.) who work privately and public institution representatives can also take part in the event by paying a small fee.
Registration link for the event can be found here.

All Images courtesy of SHARE Tirana 2018

> via SHARE Tirana 2018