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Biel Susanna Viladot & Stefanos Theodorou 2014 UIA-HYP Cup Winners
United Kingdom Architecture News - Nov 08, 2014 - 12:58 8634 views
First Prize ''Unexpected City for Nicosia'' Biel Susanna Viladot&Stefanos Theodorou
Biel Susanna Viladot, student at the Polytechnical University of Catalogna (Spain) and Stefanos Theodorou from the Alvar Aalto University in Helsinki (Finland) won, with their project entitled “Unexpected STORM in Nicosia,” the first prize in the 2014 UIA-HYP CUP.
The Architectural School of the University of Tianjin and the Chinese press group, Urban Environmental Design (UED), have organized this international architecture competition for students for three consecutive years, with the support of the UIA. 867 projects have been submitted to the international jury chaired by Daniel Libeskind.
A total of 42 teams have received prizes: 3 Second Prizes awarded ex-aequo; 9 Third Prizes ex-aequo and 20 Honourable Mentions. The general theme of the competition is always “architecture in transformation.” Each year, the chairman of the jury chooses a more specific focus. For the 2014 Edition, the president of the jury, Daniel Libeskind, has chosen to focus on “Unexpected City.”
International Jury chaired by Daniel Libeskind
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