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Call for Ideas: Future Architecture Platform

Slovenia Architecture News - Dec 08, 2016 - 15:44   14096 views

Call for Ideas: Future Architecture Platform

After a successful first cycle of activities in the initial year, Future Architecture Platform launches a new call for ideas for all who wish to participate in the Future Architecture program cycle throughout Europe in 2017. 

The platform invites emerging creatives to apply with the ideas, visions and projects they consider important for the future of architecture. Applicants should articulate the relevance of their application to the future of architecture, whether as an architectural statement, a social practice, a business model, as new construction technique, as production of living space, or other subject, which the applicants consider to be inevitable or highly relevant to the debates on the future of architecture in Europe. 

All applications will be published on the website of the Future Architecture platform. By entering, each applicant is automatically added to the list of artists and professionals that may be invited to participate at exhibitions, conferences, lecture series, workshops and other events organized by the members of the platform.

How it works

The call for ideas will close on January 9, 2017. By applying to the call for ideas the applicants register to participate in a European programme of events organised by Future Architecture members. Until January 16, 2017, platform members and the general public will select applicants from various creative disciplines on the basis of submitted ideas. 

The selected applicants will be invited to present their vision at the Future Architecture Matchmaking conference on February 16–18, 2017 at MAO (Museum of Architecture and Design) in Ljubljana. After the matchmaking conference Future Architecture members will select the participants that they will include in their events, which will take place between from 1 March to 31 October, 2017 across Europe.

Future Architecture’s 14 members and 4 associate members offer and invite applicants to participate at 4 Exhibitions, 5 Conferences, 3 Lecture Series, 6 Workshops and a Field Trip. All of these activities will be supported by a Publishing Platform and Local Mobile Support Service. The platform will present the results of the projects created under the umbrella of Future Architecture at the final festival in Ljubljana, from 26 September to 1 October, 2017, where members, participants and audiences will evaluate the work done and the results achieved, as well as determine the future mode of collaboration within the platform.

The platform will cover the travel (inside the EU) and accommodation costs of the selected participants for the Matchmaking Conference. Platform members will cover travel (inside the EU) and accommodation costs and provide an honorarium to the participants they invite to contribute to their events.

Who can apply?

-you can document professional achievements (work, commissions, exhibitions, publications, reviews, grants, awards)

-your work has not been widely recognised or established by critics, curators or producers (we are looking for emerging, upcoming talents that have not yet enjoyed wider recognition)

-your last work is not older than two years

Where to apply?

Future Architecture platform website 

Public Vote

Future Architecture platform is dedicated to bringing ideas of designing the living environments in the present as well as in the future closer to the people that live in the cities. It encorages dialogue and makes complex issues of architecture comprehensible to everyone and promote a more sustainable living environment. It enables the citizens of cities to share their views, experiences, opinions and solutions on the cities.

This is why Call for Ideas has gives the chance to the public to vote for their favourite applied idea. The idea with the most votes is automaticly selected and the applicant is invited to the Matchmaking Conference. Voting is done through the Future Architecture website and will be open until 00.00 CET 16 January 2017.

Call for Ideas: Future Architecture Platform

See Programme Of Events for 2017

Matchmaking Conference

16 – 18 February 2017 - Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), Ljubljana

The selected emerging creatives and members will receive an invitation to the Matchmaking conference. Those emerging creatives that gain the most public votes will be invited to participate at the Matchmaking Conference. Over the course of a multi-day public event they will present their application proposals, meet with members and conclude cooperation agreements for their programme.

Going Public

#Local Mobile Support Service
1 November 2016 – 31 October 2017 - Bureau N, 

With Local Mobile Support Service (LMSS), Bureau N will set up a weekly consultation hour for the emerging creatives that will be selected through the open call. This service offers the analysis, concept & development of tailored strategies and storylines behind the matched projects that are relevant for the respective communication channels. Besides that, LMSS ensures that Future Architecture reaches both a broad international professional audience as well as the general public through targeted communication.


#Publishing Plataform
1 November 2016 – 31 October 2017 - dpr Barcelona

Archifutures will be developed as an open repository for all of the contributions and content from the first year, plus new theoretical and practical content taken from the members’ activities and proposals. Archifutures will consist of two main bodies:

Open publishing. A digital bookshelf to archive and display contributions to the FA arranged according to a variety of categories. One feature will allow the reader to arrange personal compilations that are accessible, shared and downloadable in digital format, or to print on demand as a single volume. The reader will have an active role in publishing outcomes. Analytical Tool. This feature will help to easily identify how much and what kind of attention certain content has received. It will work to provide semantic feedback and report qualitative data compiled from multiple sources by volume, source and author.

Future Architecture

#Lecture Series
1 March – 1 May 2017 - Oris House of Architecture, Zagre

Embracing design and theoretical reflection, research of historical precedents and creating contemporary history, the Future Architecture lecture series locates itself in relation to the past by suggesting what and how the future should/could be. It is positioned at the intersection of the building practice, architectural perspectives, global and local contexts. The greatest contribution of Future Architecture is its creation of a nuanced image of the global state of architecture, as spoken through the voice of emerging authors internationally and implemented locally in Zagreb, as well as disseminated online via streaming sessions worldwide.

CANactions Public Program

#Lectures, Discussions
1 March – 1 May 2017 - CANactions, Kiev

Open lectures at the CANActions festival will address the various topics that will emerge out of the Future Architecture Open Call. The festival will respond to the most burning issues of contemporary architecture, like energy (from fossils to renewables, from buildings as consumers to buildings as producers), materials (recycling, deconstructing, buildings as future resource), city (systems, integration), new models (cross-discipline and cross-sector work, development, approaches), citizens (collaboration, participation, motivation, users as creators). The organiser will develop detailed content in collaboration with selected emerging creators. At the conference experts, local authorities and NGOs will discuss topics common to and crucial for the Ukrainian and European architectural community.

Forecast Forum    

#Workshops, Discussions
27 March – 1 April 2017 - Forecast Platform (associated), Berlin

Forecast implements an approach that could be compared to the Backcasting method, asking "if we want to attain a certain goal, what actions must be taken to get there?". In the field of architecture, Swiss architect Philippe Rahm will be evaluating and defining those applicants’ proposals he considers most relevant and discussing those concepts with the emerging talents. The process may take a number of forms, such as workshops, lecture performances, installations and/or video screenings.

Nowhere by Marino Formenti

#Built environment project, performance
9 April -  29 April 2017 - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon

The emerging creatives from the platform will participate in creating the space for Marino Formenti's project, which involves an intense period of public performance, and which will enjoy the intimate surroundings of a specially designed structure. The ideal space feels simultaneously secluded and located in the middle of everyday life: a "glass house" in the centre of town. It could be an abandoned shop, an empty space of any kind, a gallery, even a pavilion in a park  – in any case it should be on the ground floor. NOWHERE should be a big yet sufficiently quiet place "in the middle of life".

Architecture as Character

#Lecture Series
27 April – 7 May 2017 - Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Aarhus, Copenhagen

A minimum of 5 participants from the Future Architecture network will be asked to participate, as well as a maximum of 5 others to come and lecture in Copenhagen and Aarhus, European Capital of Cultural 2017. What they will share in common is the exploration of new concepts in architecture. This offers the opportunity to rethink and re-envision an architecture that has the transformative potential to address and solve problems that extend far beyond building.

Belgrade Outskirts Potentials

#Conference, Field Trip
12 – 14 May 2017 - Belgrade Architectural week (BINA), Belgrade 

The conference within the BINA 2017 will relocate in order to decentralise the event in Serbia and promote the development of underdeveloped municipalities and areas, to one of the peripheral municipalities of Belgrade. During the two-day conference participants/speakers will present possible visions and initiatives for the future development of the chosen case study, the municipality of Grocka. 

The first day of the conference, entitled PROFILE GROCKA, will be dedicated to presentation of the municipality, its potentials and risks, by representatives of municipal authorities, the academic and scientific community, representatives of BINA and activists from the non-governmental sector. The second day of the conference, entitled INITIATIVES, will be dedicated to participants’ presentations. Emerging professionals will present examples of positive practices or possible visions and initiatives related to the development challenges confronting this particular or similarly mixed environments on the outskirts of a city.

City in Disguise

20 May – 18 June 2017 - S AM Swiss Architecture Museum (associated), Basel

When we live in a city, we inevitably stop seeing it. This spring, international artists, architects and photographers invite us to rediscover cities across the globe and take over the S AM's exhibition space. The Future Architecture exhibition at S AM Basel will be organised during Art Basel, one of the world’s most important art fairs. The exhibition will treat various topics that emerge from the Future Architecture Open Call and will address the most burning issues of contemporary architecture related to energy, materials, recycling, deconstructing, cities, new models and citizens, and help us better see the cities we inhabit.


9 June – 11 June 2017 - Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw, Wroclaw

The organizers will provide a list of several places in the city that can be improved with small architectonic interventions. Five invited emerging creatives will lead groups of up to six participants in choosing one such case each. First, the specific sites will be discussed and diagnosed, after which the teams will prepare the structural designs aimed at improving the space and making it more usable for the general public. On the second and third day of the workshops the installations will be realized with the support of technical teams. The process of designing and building the structures will be documented in the form of films and photos and published on social media platforms. The final stage will consist of open discussion of the results achieved. The installations will be used, monitored and evaluated for two summer months.

The MAXXI Sessions

20 June – 3 September 2017 - MAXXI, National Museum of the 21st Century Arts, Rome

The exhibition will be part of the MAXXI programme and will be conceived and developed as one of the activities regularly presented by the museum both in terms of format and length, as well as overall display quality. It will also benefit from widespread media coverage and communication. The accompanying workshops will be launched as a summer programme aimed at professionals, scholars and students, and conceived and developed as one of the training platforms held regularly at the museum.

Architecture after the Future

1 July – 31 August 2017 - House of Architecture, (HAD) Graz

From 2016 to 2018 the House of Architecture is dealing with the relevance of contemporary architectural production. The main focus is on the role of architects in society. The exhibition “Architecture after the Future” features contemporary European architectural offices and collaborative networks, opening up a new perspective on their practice. Its work is interpreted as exemplary of the new conceptions of the “architectural project” that have emerged spontaneously as specific architectural responses to the contemporary crisis that is the future. The curatorial concept is based on the hypothesis that several different strategies have been developed in the last few decades in order to adapt architectural design to the post-futurist social condition. These strategies are changing the very meaning of the term project in architecture. Some such strategies are temporary/tactical design, recycling strategy, regressive strategy, salvatorian strategy and analytical strategy.

Prishtina Architecture Week

#Lectures, Debates, Exhibitions
3 July – 3 October 2017 - Prishtina Architecture Week (associated), Prishtina

As in past editions, PAW / KAF will be organizing lectures, workshops, interventions, open studios, open houses, debates, exhibitions and tours.  One difference, however, will be the format and the geographic locations of the activities. KAF will be held in all major cities in Kosovo, with site-specific activities catering to the local architecture, design and planning communities and other interest groups. The invited participants will address different topics that emerge from the Future Architecture Open Call, and will elaborate on the most burning issues of contemporary architecture related to energy, materials, recycling, deconstructing, cities, new models and citizens.

Tirana Design Weeks 2017

#Conference, Exhibition, Workshop
11 September – 29 October 2017 - Polis University, Tirana

The Tirana Architecture/Design Weeks (TAW/TDW) works to promote the exchange of knowledge between professionals at a national and international level in order to increase the public’s interest in architecture and art design as disciplines that are closely connected to the contemporary development of cities; and to enhance interaction between professionals and the general public on issues related to the city as well as increase participation in decision-making and development processes.

Activities are based on specific issues and disciplines like artistic production, education, audience growth and development, capacity building, cultural activities, research and development, etc. with detailed descriptions of the activities planned in each area.

Tirana Architecture/Design Weeks is designed to include 4 main activity groups: architecture events, art design events, workshops, and public events. Each of these consists of various kinds of actions and events, such as conferences, exhibitions, competitions, workshops, open forums, etc.

Space and Perception

22 - 25 September 2017 - Design Biotop, Ljubljana

Design Biotop workshop will start with a one-day open lecture event, with visiting Future Architecture mentors  presenting their views and experiences together with local case studies related to the way culture, values and beliefs can limit or define the way we perceive common futures. The project will continue the next day, when participants will work together in multidisciplinary cross-sector teams to confront the questions highlighted during the lecture day. The 2-day participatory workshop featuring 8-hour hands-on teamwork days will conclude with many short pitch-format presentations on the last day, where all the participants will be given a space to present their team outcomes together with what they learned as individuals. The wind-up event is open to the public, where existing teams will include the visiting audience to participate with their feedback, opinions and ideas. Following the event, Design Biotop will publish an open-source document with all important information and results of the event.

Future Architecture Festival

#Lectures, Discussions, Films, Workshop
26 September – 1 October 2017 - Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), Ljubljana

The Future Architecture Festival brings together the most interesting participants of the two-year program performed under the platform umbrella of the same name. The outstanding emerging architects, designers, artists and curators from the generation that will develop and build our living space in the future will present at various events, from exhibitions, lectures and talks to workshops and campaigns in the city. The program will be complemented by established experts dealing with the future of architecture. The festival will run an entire week, and will be held at various venues in Ljubljana. During the festival member organizations of the Future Architecture platform will meet and assess the work of the platform over the past two years, and discuss possible forms and operational models of the Future Architecture platform beyond the two-year project.


7-8 October 2017 - One Architecture Week, Plovdiv

ONE ARCHITECTURE WEEK Forum consists of a two-day conference programme built around the main topic of the festival for that year. It is the most formal event of the festival, takes place indoors, and the main language of communication is English. Speakers at the conference are generally practitioners and theoreticians from various countries and professional fields, who engage with specific subjects related to the main festival topic for the year. The Forum is communicated through a dedicated PR campaign.

Forecast Festival

#Public presentation of prototypes
16 October – 21 October 2017 - Forecast Platform (associated), Berlin

From October 1 to November 30, 2016, creative minds from anywhere in the world working in various disciplines may submit their proposals. Of these concepts, Forecast will invite 30 applicants to discuss their ideas and present them to the public during the Forecast Forum from March 27 to April 1, 2017. At the end of the Forecast Forum, each of the six mentors will select one concept to accompany to its realization. The Forum will see the presentation of these outcomes.

Critical Distance

27 October 2017 - Lisbon Architecture Triennial, Lisbon

Critical Distance is an international conference series, the first edition of which was launched 2011–2013. This series of five conferences comes as a response to the growing lack of critical distance on contemporary architecture versus the ongoing critical distance between architecture and the public. Each conference includes a lecture by an architect or group of architects and is followed by a dialogue with an architecture critic/curator and is open to the public. The third cycle of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale (2017–2019) will focus on a younger generation of architects. In October 2017 a Critical Distance Conference with three main speakers selected from among the Future Architecture platform call for emerging creatives will be organised. The selected emerging authors will have the opportunity to present their ideas to some 800 people, as well as to general and professional audiences around the world.

For additional material, high-resolution photographs, interviews and other requests please contact:

Ana Kuntaric
[email protected]
+386 (0)1 5484 274

> via Future Architecture Platform