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Changes in the higher architecture education: will robot-proof education save your life?

United States Architecture News - Dec 14, 2016 - 10:08   20528 views

Changes in the higher architecture education: will robot-proof education save your life?

North­eastern Pres­i­dent Joseph E. Aoun discusses many provocative aspects of higher education in architecture ranging from personalized education to the robot-proof life. Aoun discusses how higher education parameters change in the modern world? How potential students will adapt to the automated education in the near future? What is personalized education? Does robot-proof education investigate everything affecting human life? 

President Joseph E. Aoun and Professor George Thrush had a Q&A session during an architecture class held in Blackman Auditorium of North­eastern University on Monday.


You are the dig­ital gen­er­a­tion; you want things now and you want them any­time and any­where. And higher edu­ca­tion has yet to adapt. And that’s an aspect that we are now going to build: per­son­al­ized edu­ca­tion. You’re going to see an enor­mous shift from the teacher-centered envi­ron­ment to a learner-centered environment.

So, what you are building now is a robot-proof life. And what we need to do with you is to build a robot-proof edu­ca­tion. So what does that mean? It’s easier said than done.

In a robot-proof edu­ca­tion, we have to focus on what humans do that robots cannot do: think cre­atively, work with others, think about ethics. For instance, sup­pose a sce­nario where a self-driving car can either hit three people and hurt the pas­sen­gers, or save the pas­sen­gers but hit 10 people. What is it going to do? Who’s going to pro­gram that? Who’s going to decide? You.....Continue Reading

Top image: Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University

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