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David Chipperfield Architects converts old winter storage into a private studio in Berlin
Germany Architecture News - Dec 10, 2016 - 19:45 19639 views
David Chipperfield Architects has converted an old winter storage used for boats into a private studio in Berlin, Germany. The house originally designed by the architect Robert Tepez in 1970 and is located on the lake serving a winter storage for boats belonging to berlin’s water rescue services.
The building is comprised of a terraced volume, the two-storey reinforced concrete structure is integrated into the sloping topography of the site. David Chipperfield Architects berlin converted the building into a private studio with linear facade divisions and transparency, which obtains a naive appearance and unity in the exterior.
The design not only gives the formally solid-looking boathouse a new transparent identity, the overall property gains the impression of a garden landscape, integrating the wilhelminian villa at the top of the site’s hill and strengthening its appearance.
While the shell construction of the former boathouse was preserved, it was given a new external skin. clad primarily with timber elements on the sides, the front elevation opens up to the banks of the lake with a second outer façade made of timber and glass with steel profiles.
Through generous floor-to-ceiling windows, the original concrete volume remains visible, creating a dialogue between the existing and the new additions. The garden, which was re-landscaped within the context of the boathouse conversion, frames the building.
The use of timber in a light green tone further embeds the building in its natural surroundings. The colour tone, a reseda green, is the connecting feature of all other structural elements in the garden, including the jetty.
The exterior skin with its transparent appearance allows daylight to permeate the studio’s interior and encourages a flowing transition between inside and out. The building was gutted for the conversion and the floor plans reorganised.
The raw concrete surfaces remain visible and are supplemented in places by plastered interior walls. The former six metre high boat hall stretches over both floors and forms the heart of the new studio.
Site Plan
Front elevation
Project Facts
Project start: 2011
Completion: 2015
Gross floor area: 810 m2
Client: Private
Architect: David Chipperfield Architects Berlin
Partners in charge: David Chipperfield, Martin Reichert, Alexander Schwarz (design lead)
Project architect: Christof Piaskowski
Landscape architect: Mania Lohrengel Landschaftsarchitektur
Structural engineer: Igb Ingenieurgruppe Bauen
Site supervision: Thomas Hillig Architekten
All images © Ute Zscharnt Für David Chipperfield Architects