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Cities of Past & Future presented by Melkan Gursel Tabanlioglu at MIPIM 2016

France Architecture News - Mar 16, 2016 - 19:42   7115 views

Cities of Past & Future presented by Melkan Gursel Tabanlioglu at MIPIM 2016

Melkan Gursel Tabanlioglu, founding partner, Tabanlioglu Architects.

The other special session has been held at MIPIM 2016, Innovation Forum titled 'Cities of Past & Future' 'Cities of Past & Future' has been presented by Melkan Gursel Tabanlioglu, founding partner of Tabanlioglu Architects. In this panel, Tabanlioglu has talked about some specific major projects that Tabanlioglu Architects realized in many different countries including Turkey, Senegal and Libya, Tripoli. Tabanlioglu's presentation has focused on people's new demands on living, historical references, technology and contextual parameters, which were all introduced as the new design inputs and reinterpretations in design process. 

Cities of Past & Future presented by Melkan Gursel Tabanlioglu at MIPIM 2016

Melkan Gursel Tabanlioglu also showed many historical examples from Dubai, Libya, Turkey and Japan in order to understand how the technological innovations, choices and new demands change our lifestyle and redefine our design principles. 'Architects should always try to focus citie's needs and functional requirements through technological developments and existing fabric, thereafter you can create most adaptable and radical solutions'' said Melkan Tabanlioglu. 

Cities of Past & Future presented by Melkan Gursel Tabanlioglu at MIPIM 2016

Tabanlioglu Architects is one of WA Professional Members and Tabanlioglu's seven projects have been shortlisted for WA Awards 22nd Cycle. 

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