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An Animated film: Frank Lloyd Wright on Arrogance
United States Architecture News - Feb 17, 2016 - 11:27 6273 views
all images courtesy of Blank on Blank
“Any man who really has faith in himself will be dubbed arrogant by his fellows” . Frank Lloyd Wright
Blank on Blank / PBS Series, is a video-based illustration blog and preserving / re-imagining the American interviews with colourful animations, recently Blank on Blank has featured Frank Lloyd Wright's animated film on 'Arrogance' -the new episode called 'Experimenters'. This episode features an interview between Mike Wallace and Frank Lloyd Wright, a 90-year-old, and the interview aired in September 1957 on the television program.
In six-minute episode, Frank Lloyd Wright insinuates the New York Skyline and calls 500 years architecture as ''phony'' and The New York architecture was organic and did not have the character of naturei. Then I put it in capital a church, which means ''Greek Orthodox Annunciation Church'', ''Unitarian Church''. Moreover, Wright thinks that the architecture of church is a great shame in the Unites States because there is 'no reflection of religion ' he says.
Here is a very short script of interview:
Her Parents
“I know that my parents must have done something right when they were bringing us up because they never imposed any of their standards on us and never tried to steer us into one field or another although I think my father wanted me to be a tennis player and practice a little bit harder than I did. But my father teaches political science. And neither my sister now I had any interest in it. none in politics. That didn’t seem to bother him. He was perfectly willing to let us do what we wanted to do.”
What about your sister? What’s the age difference?
She’s two years younger than I am.
And she chose a very non-traditional career, but a very different one as a Presbyterian minister. Would you say that your’re spiritual but not religious in the organized sense?
No. (laughs) I wouldn’t even say that I’m spiritual. I honestly don’t think about religion at all. Quite a few people have asked me since I’ve come back whether I’ve found religion in space or whether I had any mystical experiences while I was up there. No.
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