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News from Five Cooper Union Trustees

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jun 10, 2015 - 20:53   3650 views

News from Five Cooper Union Trustees

The Cooper Union’s 41 Cooper Square building (photo by Jillian Steinhauer for Hyperallergic)

Last night five members of the Cooper Union’s board of trustees resigned: real estate mogul Mark Epstein (the board’s former chairman), Vassar College president Catharine Bond Hill, architects Daniel Libeskind and Francois de Menil (the board’s vice chairman), and investment banker Monica Vachher. Three of the departing trustees — Epstein, Libeskind, and Vachher — have written public resignation letters claiming that the reasons for their departure have nothing with to do with the board of trustees’ controversial decision to discontinue the full scholarships that Cooper Union had given to every enrolled student for over 150 years, but rather the ineffectuality of the board itself. Their names have already been removed from the school’s trustees page.......Continue Reading

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