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Frank Gehry’s proposed Eisenhower memorial is a ’’monstrosity’’
United States Architecture News - Aug 20, 2015 - 14:38 4377 views
Rendering of the Eisenhower Memorial.image courtesy of Gehry Partners, LLP, 2015
We could wearily shrug, say “Oh, well,” and economize waste and annoyance by just building the proposed $142 million Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial. But long after its perpetrators are gone, it would squat there, representing Washington at its worst and proving that we have forgotten how to nurture our national memory with intelligent memorials.
This saga of arrogance and celebrity worship began in 1999 when Congress created the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission (EMC). Sixteen years later, and eight years after the project’s 2007 scheduled completion, scores of millions have been squandered, and there is no memorial and no immediate prospect of building one......Continue Reading
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