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IF Ideas Forward Presents NWS - The Imaginary World Of Harry Smith

United States Architecture News - Sep 01, 2015 - 10:25   4814 views

IF Ideas Forward Presents NWS - The Imaginary World Of Harry Smith

image ©  ifideasfroward

Watch Trailer NWS - The Imaginary World of Harry Smith

Ideasforward is a new Internet platform, founded in 2014 that organizes international contests for ideas. Through the special contests ideasforward wants to stimulate and develop critical thinking and creative skills in theoretical thinking about the future of cities, reinforcing the importance that art, architecture and design have in their development. NeWoSpa (New Work Space) is a new experimental competition that will force new ideas and critical thinking on cities.  

Ideasforward searches new critical conditions on cities and explains that at the current juncture the architect has not faced only with poetic issues. The speed at which contemporary capitalist societies surrendered, prevents develop their creative projects based on assumptions of yesteryear. The thrill acted with reason to unravel the function. Nowadays, for many architects there is even the opportunity, the time or the space to experience and develop projects based on these assumptions.

IF Ideas Forward Presents NWS - The Imaginary World Of Harry Smith

image © ifideasfroward

Many questions that arise:

What are the recommended applications for current and future architecture?

What is the limit of poetry in artistic thinking in the face of physical limitations of current societies, technological, social and economic?

What is the value of the concept in the creation process?

And many other questions are by saying!

In search of answers to these and others questions, the project emerged : "NeWoSpa"

Ideasforward dares to be visionaries!

NeWoSpa (New Work Space)

The "NeWoSpa" aims to be a space, not physical, where imagination / emotion overrides reason. Is a new concept to discuss ideas about the future of cities and societies. Inspired by the book "Einstein's Dreams" by Alan Lightman and "Invisible Cities" by Italo Calvino, Ideasforward created a webserie organized by 4 webisodes. Each of these wepisodes culminates with the launch of a design competition. Here Ideasforward intends to discuss, test, experiment and try out new ideas. The competition does not impose limits or barriers, just follow instinct and will. Ideasforward wants to break rules and assumptions introducing new issues into the public debate.


One of the big problems we face today has to do with the overuse of the soil mass through the construction and the consequent increase of city boundaries. Man ceased to respect nature to just focus on the economic aspects through a rapid enrichment. Capitalism overlapped the most important values like preserving the planet through a culture of sustainability.

" Levi - The Suspended City " is the first of four episodes that Ideasforward intends to build on the concept of buildings cities. The optimization of the city in the building for the benefit of nature and the environment. Based on the theme of the 4 elements , Ideasforward wishes to approach the man of nature and explore the concept of buildings cities. In this episode we explore the " AIR ".

Ideasforward wants to think of new dynamics of trade relationship between housing and services , making a reflection of the city inside the building and bridging the needs of contemporary societies. The competition seeks dynamic new movement, integration and relationship between all parties, adapting the building to current and future requirements.

Over the years we have had several successful examples of reinterpretation of the building as an object of use by man. Are paradigmatic cases that the Housing Unit of Marseille of Le Corbusier and the Copan building of Oscar Neymeirer, where the building takes the place of the town, though on a smaller scale.

So Ideasforward wanted to go further and imagine that the building can take the place of the city. To do this you must also rethink how we organize ourselves in society. This exercise aims however rethink cities and societies of the future.

IF Ideas Forward Presents NWS - The Imaginary World Of Harry Smith

image ©ifideasfroward


At the end of each episode a book will be published with the whole story and you, with your projects, can be part of it! The winning proposal will be included in the book's story with their images and their texts and the remaining proposals contain only in the book, as proposed participants in the contest.

Conditions For Participating

Participation can be individual or as a group. Participants must be over 18 years old.

In the case of groups, the leader must be over 18 years old.

By participating in an ideasforward contest the participant accepts all the terms and conditions published on our website that define the rules for use of the company website, as well as the rules of participation therein.


Regular Registration Period: From September 16 to October 31, 2015 at 24:00- Fee € 50

Late Registration Period: From November 01 to November 30, 2015 at 12:00 (noon)- Fee € 65

End of Competition on November 30, 2015 at 24:00 (London GMT +0:00)

Announcement of Winners and Honorable Mentions on January 01,2016 at Ideasforward



1st Place: € 1250- Publication on website, social networks and media partners -be part of the storybook

2nd Place: € 500- Publication on website, social networks and media partners- publication on the book

3rd Place: € 250- Publication on website, social networks and media partners- publication on the book

12 Honorable Mentions: Publication in website, social networks and media partners (All the participants that comply the terms and conditions will be published in the book) 



Romullo Baratto Fontenelle  - Brazil's ArchDaily Brazil, Editor

Manuel Henriques - Executive Director at Lisbon Architecture Triennale

Alexander Walter - Editor in Chief for Archinect's sister site Bustler      

Berrin Chatzi Chousein- Editor in Chief  at World Architecture Community 

Justine Testado - Writer for Archinect and its sister site Bustler

> via Ideasforward