Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
2015 MAD Travel Fellowship Winners Announced
China Architecture News - Jul 22, 2015 - 13:15 4573 views
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YU Xiao, 10 B.S., School of Architecture, Tianjin University. Destination: Japan.
MAD Architects announces the winners of “2015 MAD Travel Fellowship”. HU Jialin from Tongji University, YU Xiao from Tianjin University, LUO Zhaoyang from Harbin Institute of Technology, ZHENG Yuda from Southeast University and ZHANG Zhiyang from Tsinghua University are selected as winners this year.
Ma Yangsong, founder and judge for MAD Travel Fellowship states, “I am deeply impressed by applicants’ passion to architecture. Reading their applications make me feel like the journey has already begun. The program sponsors five students’ international travel each year, and I wish it would helped more students in the future. I’d also like to thank those students who expressed their wish to visit MAD. The program can only sponsor a certain amount of students each year, but we welcome you to visit our Beijing Office anytime.”
Chinese Architect Ma Yangsong initiated MAD Travel Fellowship in 2009. During the past 6 years the program has sponsored 30 students from universities across mainland China for their international travel. All students went travelling with their research topic and presented their study result after returned.
Starting from 2015, with the aim to have students to have more solid study research and experiences, MAD Travel Fellowship makes changes and steps into version 2.0. We encourage applicants to include conversation requests with architecture firms, masters in architecture, arts, and culture that are related to their research topic in their travelling applications. MAD will help to coordinate the appointment requests after evaluation.
The winners of 2015 MAD Travel Fellowship are:
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HU Jialin, 11 B.S., College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University. Destination: Japan.
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LUO Zhaoyang, 15 M.S., School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology. Destination: Italy
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ZHENG Yuda, 10 B.S., School of Architecture, Southeast University. Destination: Japan.
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ZHANG Zhiyang, 14 M.S., School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. Destination: USA
> via MAD