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Site Art Center Fortress of Cresmina, Portugal Competition Winners Announced
United Kingdom Architecture News - Jul 03, 2015 - 17:21 16524 views
1st Prize:Andrea Fortunato, Daniele Bonetti, Italy
Read Jury Report from here.
This international ArkxSite one-stage architecture competition invited all architecture students and young architects (≤ 40 years old) to develop and submit compelling ideas for the design of a contemporary Art Center located within the Fortress of Cresmina in Cascais, Portugal. The jury members of the competition were Alberto Mottola, (Italy) _ demogo studio di architettura Felipe Grallert (Chile) _ Felipe Grallert Arquitectos Rasmus Jessing (Denmark) _ Project Director at COBE
The Fortress of Cresmina is a significant landmark on a prominent landscape, a place of cultural heritage and historical significance with characteristics that must be fully preserved. According to the competition guidelines, when generating a vision for an intervention located within such a remarkable place, it was essential each proposal to emphasize, respect and celebrate the site and existing ruins within this spectacular landscape, providing visitors a unique experience. The competition selected 3 winners and 7 Honorable Mentions that you can see below:
2nd Prize: Penigaud Roman, Marien Gaillard, Fabien Leveque,France
Read Jury Report from here.
3rd Prize: Daniela Alejandra Guzmán Pino, Chile
Read Jury Report from here.
Honorable Mentions
Honorable Mention: Weronika Bogal, Adam Lyko,Poland
Honorable Mention: Giacomo Razzolini, Antonio Salvi ,Italy
Honorable Mention: Fabio Negri, Giuseppe Coppola,Italy
Honorable Mention: Martyna Cyran, Poland
Honorable Mention: Marcello Galiotto, Alessandra Rampazzo, Martino De Rossi, Alessandro Dal Corso, Italy
Honorable Mention: Ana Maria Crisan, Ioana Turcanu, Alexandru Crisan, Romania
Honorable Mention: Paolo Corvino, Salvatore Giordano, Miriam Natale, Italy
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