The project was developed on the basis of what is required by the client with the aim of achieving an unitary intervention, both from the standpoint of architectural design, and functionality.
The project aims to give answers with the following types of actions:
ACTION 1: ENVIRONMENT AND LANDSCAPE: The creation of an urban park is characterized by the presence of educational facilities and childrens playground freely accessible and integrated with the trade routes.
Action 2: MOBILITY AND CONNECTIONS: The creation of a commercial network intimately connected with the green areas.
Action 3: COMMERCIAL AREAS AND SERVICES: The different spaces are arranged to create visual connections that favors the orientation of the user, creating a path through the buildings where areas with intense commercial activity, alternate with areas of recreation and rest.


Key facts

project status Competition (unbuilt)
client Comune di Caselle Torinese
name of competition ATA – La porta del piemonte
location Caselle Torinese, Piemonte , Italy
date 15.12.2010

Project facts
program commercial, office, hotel
high Hotel 24 m, Commercial center 14m
levels Basement(1 level)+Ground l.+1 level
total floor area above grade 160.000 m2
structure Steel-concrete structure
parking spaces 4945
Cost (estimated) 151.600.000 €

project design Ivo Buda
project team Ivo Buda , Dragana Elezovic, Roberto Zanasi, Jovan Jovanovic
