Sharm El-Sheikh Aquarium Museum Located in Egypt , Sharm El-Sheikh , Sharks Bay. The location is considered by the project research, as Sharm El-Sheikh city is one of the most places that consists of huge diversity of coral reefs.
Sharm El-Sheikh Aquarium Museum is a project that preserve Egypt's Marine Life and Natural Heritage Resources, which considered one of the ignored issues that exists in Egypt as 70% of coral reefs are going to extinct within the coming 50 years in Egypt, some of the impacts are from the nature but the huge impacts are by human. Sharm El-Sheikh Aquarium Museum develops new methods to preserve marine life using sustainable designs and smart technology.
Aims of the project:
- To preserve Marine animals in Sharm El-Sheikh by affording carness and healthy environment.
- To raise awareness about marine life and coral reefs.
- To integrate interior design with smart technology.
- To integrate sustainability in interior design of the Museum.
SDGS Goals:
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12: Consumption and production
Goal 14: Life below water
The Museum consists of 10 zones: Administrator Area, Welcome Zone, Interactive Exhibition, Physical Exhibition, Restaurant, Library, Aquarium Exhibition, Indoor Cafeteria, Outdoor Cafeteria, Control Room.
The Zones that are designed in the project are: Interactive Exhibition, Aquarium Exhibition, Indoor Cafeteria, Outdoor Cafeteria.
Design Concept of the project based on the contrast of "Life below and above water" where everything meets, below the sea presents the Marine life and above sea presents the Bedouin life. Inspiration of Caves in wall cladding presents the life of Bedouin in Sharm El-Sheikh and using the color scheme of sea to mix between Marine life and Bedouin life in concept of interior design.



Zone one: Interactive Exhibition
- Interactive Wall connected to Interactive Ceiling, Interactive Flooring and Interactive Screens where there is microphones embedded to the wall and there is sensors that cover all the sounds in the interior space results from the voice over of "the Storytelling" then the sound automatically delivers to the microphones applied on the walls that translate the voice over into numbers and according to this sound, Interactive walls change its colors and lights and the interactive flooring display different pictures and colors on its surface and the interactive screens start to present pictures related to "the Storytelling Scenarios". This system is used to communicate the message of raising awareness about the marine life and natural heritage resources in a unique , fun and memorable way.
The process of Storytelling is divided into 3 different Scenarios , every scenario has its own theme to effect on visitors emotions in different methods. The 3 different colors, lights and sounds have a different effects.
- The Blue Zone: is the first scenario where the voice over represent the heritage of Sharm El-Sheikh, and introduce the species that living in the aquariums to the visitors.
- The Purple Zone: the purple color to win empathy towards the coral reefs and marine life and to make them feel sad for them.
- The Red Zone: the red color to deliver the dangerous of the situation to be more aware and attention about them.
Zone two: Aquarium Exhibition
- Luminous Furniture is used to give positive energy to visitors and to make them more concentered.
- Interactive Installation Screens is used to turn visitors from passive audience to engaged active participators and to deliver an information about marine life in an easy way to the visitors.
- Vuelift Glass Elevator consists of safety features while a power failure or an emergency, Vuelift has an array of features to ensure passengers are safe, comfortable, and can be evacuated on the lowest landing.
Zone three: Outdoor Cafe
- Tulip Umbrella " Solar System " is a sustainable features produce a sufficient energy to drive LED lamps and charge mobile phones ,, and electrical engines for automated opening and closing of the parasols can also be powered by the solar energy.

Individual Team


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