The ground places in the outskirts of the city of Penafiel, in the valley of the river Cavalum and is inserted in an allotment near the park of Quinta das Lages.
The proposal modifies the implementation anticipated in the original allotment and resumes the duplication rule, not observed in the buildings of the lots L8 and L9, seeking a more articulated solution with the nearest volumes and simultaneously taking the vast ambiguities and disarrangements between the allotment and the lot drawings into account.
As for the house itself, it is organised in two functional, though complementary, autonomous groups, to which correspond two distinct volumes. Each one of these volumes has different relations towards the exterior space: one white and plastered seeks the most distant landscape; the other one, made with dark stone has a more direct contact with its interior ground.
Milhundos House by francisco portugal in Portugal won the WA Award Cycle 1. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.
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