Architecture and nature living together in that harmony, some way nature will find away to survive. Nature dosen't need men but men need nature to get that atmosphere of balance between nature and the art of architecture to make a circle of harmony.

Project Type: private project
Location: tahrir, NDP land beside the Egyptian museum.
Coordinates: 30°02'50"N 31°13'56"E
Area: 4 feddan

The NDP building, on one of the most expensive pieces of land in Egypt, as it is located in downtoawn Cairo overlooking the Nile Corniche, Tahrir Square and the Egyptian Museum.
The National Democratic Party building was torched by protesters on 2011, and has remained in a state of abandon ever since.

Developing mogamaa al tahrir is to create an economic activity based on tourism and cultural activity.

Objective Vision
01 Sustain Culture Heritage & inc. Public Awareness
02 The Finance Professional Profile of the Future
03 Building Awareness of the Latest in Digital and Technology Developments
04 Opportunities and Challenges
05 Future Finance Vision and Development Roadmap

All these visions and their outcomes come together to form one Objective with one goal which is developing
and enhancing community lifestyle in Cairo.

Problem Statement
Finance & Business Building
Lack of finance & business buildings in that area lead the investors to be pointed to another place which decrease our economical factor.

Creating environmental for that kind of buildings.
Helping to achieve the economic development.
Create an attractive factor for investors to
contribute to development.

Project Objectives
Finance & Business buildings is a project that is divided to many zones to service the community and tourism.

Functions/Zones Included
Stock exchange helps companies raise capital or money by issuing equity shares to be sold to investors.
Bank for bankers & bank representatives
Exhibition hall for delivery of highest service levels
to organizers, exhibitors & visitors by providing an extensive range of products, services and facilities most efficiently
Administration for the administrative part includes offices, conference rooms, and managers.

Target Group
The project is oriented toward Investors, business owners and companies' users, and it has different services to cover all users in Cairo men, women, and investors all over the world.


Project Overview
Finance & Business Building

It is a project that depends on the international and local economy and includes inside its large number of administrative buildings, connected to from the headQuarters of banks. It also contain a stock exchange hall
The financial and business district was designed to be a Special area for businessmen and owners of money and businesses.

* Some of The financial and business buildings reflect the time they were built in, the corp governance structure and commonly shared values of societies and citizens. Further,the nuanced differences of national ideals are strikingly obvious almot everywhere.

* Most financial institutions' buildings are landmarks. Placed in the heart of cit'l centers, the'l occup'l prominent spaces in our urban environments. Thell are built to last.

Designer: Ahmed Waleed Mohammed
Guide/ Instructor: Dr. Usama Nassar - Dr. Ahmed Yehia - Dr. Hadeer Elnagar - Dr. Hadeel
University: New Cairo Academy - Cairo,Egypt

This is a very short overview of the project
the full project contains
1- The project portfolio in details
2- The project research
3-Application developed for android, ios and pc for calculating the offices prices in m2 and navgation the whole project to see the surrounding and all the studies in real time.
4-Animation showreel


Ahmed Waleed

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