Submitted by Cüneyt Budak

Science and Technology for African Development: Partnerships in a Global Economy: What Works and Wha

Architecture News - Dec 09, 2007 - 20:45   7277 views

Support for long–term growth focused on creating the necessaryenvironment for increased employment opportunities, improved efficiencyof markets and more public expenditures for the poor, can go a long wayin changing the image of Africa.In this process resources are also essential for a national development and application of science and technology that can enableAfrica first meet its basic needs and then add value to its commoditiesso that they can gain a fair share of the liberalized market, whilecompeting with goods and services from the rest of the world. In thespirit of a global village, the world has to recognize the structuralproblems that Africa faces, and take the necessary actions to solvethese problems. Wealth which implies well–being and condition of being happy andprosperous, is not purely a material concept. As such wealth shared iswealth doubled! That is why partnership in a global economy wherewealth is shared can be the real panacea!