Submitted by Cüneyt Budak

Postmodernism as Border Pedagogy: Redefning the Boundaries of Race and Ethnicity

Architecture News - Dec 09, 2007 - 17:51   5975 views

A hypertext with excerpts from "Postmodernism as Border Pedagogy: Redefning the Boundaries of Race and Ethnicity"  by Giroux.Within this discourse [ofpostmodern border pedagogy], students engage knowledge as a border-crosser,as a person moving in and out of borders constructed around coordinatesof difference and power.  These are not only physical borders, theyare cultural borders historically constructed and socially organized withinmaps of rules and regulations that serve to either limit or enable particularidentities, individual capacities, and social forms.  In this case,students cross over into borders of meaning, maps of knowledge, socialrelations,and values that are increasingly being negotiated and rewritten as thecodes and regulations which organize them become destabilized and reshaped.