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1st Sustainable Dance Club in Rotterdam or London?
Architecture News - Jul 24, 2008 - 10:31 5943 views
Sustainability is clearly a hot topic at the moment, and in the last weeks there have been several stories in the press about the world`s first Ecoclub {Club Surya`s}, which opened in London. The owner of the club, Dr. Earth, claims that the club is the first to use energy generation through its dance floor, solar panels and wind turbines. The toilets will be flushed with rainwater and the club will have waterless urinals. Dr. Earth has been quoted as saying Club Surya is a collaborative project with our organisation, Sustainable Dance Club {SDC}. SDC wants to emphasise that the first Sustainable Dance Club™ developed with the SDC guidelines, will be Club WATT in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which opens on the 4th of September. SDC confirms that they are in talk with Dr. Earth, but there has been no implementation of SDC elements or guidelines as yet. We hope the initiative is successful and are looking forward to a possible collaboration in the future.