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Boris to ditch 50% affordable housing target in changes to London Plan

Architecture News - Jul 10, 2008 - 14:00   10613 views

Boris Johnson has published a major report setting out his priorities for revising the London Plan.ThePlanning for a Better London document confirms the mayor’s intention toditch his predecessor’s 50% affordable housing target while vowing tobuild 50,000 affordable homes over the next three years.It alsopromises additional protection for historic landmarks and WorldHeritage Sites, while shielding open spaces and the green belt fromdevelopment.The report sets out the mayor’s support for tallbuildings, but only in locations where they do not undermine “uniquecharacter”. Speakingahead of Wednesday night`s launch of the report, Johnson said theexisting London Plan was “unwieldy” and insisted it was in need ofrevision to give proper account to local needs while also being easyfor developers and local boroughs to use. “There’s too muchfocus on detail rather than outcomes,” he said. “I want to see aslimmer plan, which deals with genuinely strategic issues, but thiswon’t be at the expense of London’s need for more homes and economicsuccess.”Johnson added that he intended to build stronger partnerships with developers, local communities and London boroughs.Consultationon the document will end in November, with officials suggesting arevised draft of the London Plan is not expected until 2010.