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International Web Portal of Organic Architecture

Architecture News - Jul 09, 2008 - 15:56   6124 views

Our Web Portal purpose is to encourage, document and guard the Organic Architecture principles the master Frank Lloyd Wright put forward and subsequently Bruce Goff, Alvar Aalto, Bruno Zevi, John Lautner, Giovanni Michelucci, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Paolo Soleri and others developed in a creative way. Our scope is to prove, through examples and reasoning, Organic Architecture is the true Architecture, not a style but the true expression of the Living Tradition. Living Tradition that always existed and will always exist if man wants to construct its existential space-time in harmony with nature and God in a loving, truthful and honest way. This website takes special care of the Italian Organic Architecture that shows creative aspects  and original peculiarity  within the international panorama of Architecture.