Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
UIA Durban, August 4-6, 2014
Turkey Architecture News - Sep 19, 2013 - 11:23 3382 views
Global Studio will return to South Africa in 2014, as a program partner with CSUD and the UIA. The Durban congress themes are resilience, ecology and values.They have developed a 'focus area' that will take up and elaborate these and other themes.
The Global Studio invite contributions to the GS-CSUD 'focus area' titled "Addressing informality and or poverty through design education and practice".
To see the themes they hope you will bring to UIA 2014, please take a look at the Global Studio Call for Papers on page 4. The deadline for Abstracts is October 31, and must be uploaded on the UIA site.
In addition they will also have a Call for Projects, to be posted mid October on the UIA and Global Studio sites.The Global Studio intend for this to be an opportunity to talk about inclusive design and practice innovations via a visual rather than text based contribution.They see these as complimentary and necessary approaches to developing the dialogue. Up to 20 projects will be selected. Program partners Anna Rubbo, Jennifer van den Bussche and Rodney Harber will co-ordinate the Call for Projects.
The Global Studio intend to have a program of papers, presentation and discussion of projects, plus a workshop component that runs across three days. We are keen to engage with new ideas. As the MDGs wind down, they would like this session to build on the presentations and discussion to workshop a Post 2015 participatory design and planning ACTION PLAN. Help make this program a dynamic, forward-looking contribution to education and practice.
> via The Global Studio_News