Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
The Pritzker architect who resigned to avoid fame
Turkey Architecture News - Jan 07, 2014 - 23:58 6137 views
-Chinese Lu Wenyu rejected in 2012 called the Nobel of architecture that went to her husband and partner Wang Shu
-In China lose your life if you become famous
Lu Wenyu in Segovia. / WHITE PINK
"I'm like a plant. Born and raised in the same place. I left China for the first time 37 years. Until then I did not know what the world was. But when I saw him, what surprised me was that everywhere discovered similarities to my city, Hangzhou. It was in the Italian streets. Today I have seen him in Segovia. " The architect Lu Wenyu (1966) gave a talk last weekend at the Hay Festival. For the first time, she who spoke in public was. And he did it with such consistency and passion that seemed to take a lifetime to do so.Actually spent 12 years lecturing. With her husband, Wang Shu Pritzker award in 1998 founded the Amateur Architecture Studio. And three years later the school of architecture of the city, east of China. "With a building can do little. Teaching was the only way to multiply the impact of what we consider fundamental: not destroy China. Globalization began centuries ago, but it should be short and not destruction. In my country the old villages are destroyed, so we advocate working with the remains, to build from that destruction. "
Authors Ningbo Museum, built partly from the remains of other buildings, served for 25 years together, "we have become one." And although they work together in their small studio and together they founded the school of architecture of that city he received the Pritzker just last year. "Wang Shu was not fair. E insisted share, but I loved her. " And gives two reasons. The first: "I want a life and I'd rather spend it with my son. In China lose your life if you become famous. There would not accept any interview. And in a country either English language, "explains after ensuring that this is his first interview.
The second is that its architecture "is what has always wanted to do it. I really wanted to be a biologist, I'm not a vocational architect, I am a convinced ". To build from destruction is then thought of her husband?"Yes, but I made mine. And I hope many more people I endorse. It makes sense. I do not follow blindly. "
But what is best for your life might not be so good for many architects in the world. "That may not make them happy. I am aware that in China there are now more women architects architects, whereas when I started only 10% were women. But I must be fair to what I believe. "
But yes he accepted in 2011, Schelling prize she shares with her husband. "I knew I would not change my life," he says with a smile. "I'm happy to do the architecture which I think helps our towns and cities better. I am convinced that talking about it arouses interest in other people, but do not want to be famous. And if I'm wrong, I know the error is the side effect of taking decisions. If we do not admit the mistake we become single-issue people. "
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