Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
Will it sustain?-Three International Exhibitions On Sustainability
Turkey Architecture News - Jan 26, 2014 - 15:32 4015 views
Under the title WILL IT SUSTAIN? the Danish Architecture Centre is presenting three international exhibitions on the theme of the paradoxes of sustainability. The exhibitions, Behind the Green Door, The Banality of Good and Shifts can be seen in conjunction with a wide range of debates, lectures, film screenings, family activities and guided tours.
The exhibitions will run at the Danish Architecture Centre from 7 February to 25 May 2014
Can a window be sustainable, too sustainable and completely unsustainable all at the same time? Is a solar power-operated lawn mower sustainable, when it is designed to trim the artificial and intensively irrigated golf courses in desert states? These are some of the questions and dilemmas you face when you visit the exhibition in the Danish Architecture Centre.
Three international exhibitions on the theme of the paradoxes of sustainability
Behind the Green Door
The renowned Belgian curator group Rotor invite the audience to join them on a playful journey through the impact of sustainability on architecture, while taking a both affectionate and critical look at sustainability and green solutions.
The Banality of Good
The Banality of Good provides visitors with a different perspective on sustainability. The exhibition approaches the concept from a social angle, in the context of urban planning.
The exhibition ‘Shifts’ looks at the influence of the financial crisis on architects and architecture’s social role
**For more information about exhibitions,please visit the website
> via the Danish Architecture Centre