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Competition:Living Place

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jan 12, 2014 - 19:58   1702 views

Competition:Living Place

University of Vermont is pleased to invite architects, students, engineers, designers, and artists from around the globe to take part in the ‘LivingPlace’ Competition. The LivingPlace is a Vermont-Grown international design competition that encourages the linkage of student-initiated projects and the sustainability needs of the Burlington community through place-based ecological design.

The competition was announced on Tuesday November 19 at the University Heights South ‘GreenHouse’ Residential Learning Community. This Ecological Design Competition is sponsored by the new UVM Ecological Design Collaboratory, a community crossroad for ecological design and supported by a grant from the Thoreau Foundation. The LivingPlace Competition serves as a springboard for the launch of the UVM Ecological Design Collaboratory.


WHY: Community engagement, stronger partnerships, hands-on practice that lead to place-based design.
WHERE: Three sites @ Burlington Waterfront, Burlington High School, or UHS Greenhouse RLC
WHAT: Proposals (design competition submission) for the dynamic and buildable intersection of WATER, FOOD, and PEOPLE.


This competition encourages the linkage of student-initiated projects and the sustainability needs of the Burlington community through place-based ecological design. Competitors are tasked with creating a holistic design submission that integrates storm-water management, sustainable food production, and community engagement. This is an opportunity for designs that include student-community collaboration. For more information regarding the submission process, timeline and registration, please visit the REGISTRATION webpage.

Three sites (Burlington Waterfront, Burlington High School, and University of Vermont Greenhouse Residential Learning Community) have been selected as the location for proposal designs. For more information including the pictures and design documents of the sites, please visit the SITES webpage.

This is your chance to put your ideas and visions on paper to share. Architects, students, engineers, designers and others are invited to participate in the competition. We encourage multidisciplinary teams.

  • Registration begins December 1, 2013.
  • Registration cost for student groups is $20, for community members is $30 and for professionals is $50.
  • Each submission must be for one project site and more than one entry per group may be submitted if intended for 2 other sites.
  • The maximum team size is six people, inter-diciplinary teams are encouraged, however, individual entries are accepted.

For registering and online payment process, please go to Registration Form webpage. After your registration has been approved LivingPlace will send a project package which will be necessary for submission boards.

LivingPlace Timeline

This is competition will require a digital + hardcopy (24″x24″ submission(. To prepare yourself for best possible entries, please refer to the timeline below.

December 1, 2013

February 11, 2014

February 21, 2014

March 2014 – TBA

April 2014 – TBA

June 2014  Construction of Prototype

Submissions Due: 4 pm EST

Exhibit A: Award Ceremony at MAINSTREET LANDING, Burlington, Vt.

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Construction of Prototype

LivingPlace Awards

3 Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three designs and the potential for one of the winning designs to be prototyped in the in the courtyard at The University of Vermont’s UHS ‘GreenHouse’ Residential Learning Community and installed at the subsequent site!

1st PLACE $1250.00

2nd PLACE $500.00

3rd PLACE #250.00

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