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United Kingdom Architecture News - Nov 14, 2013 - 13:03   2687 views


Through various presentations, case studies and networking opportunities mixing creatives, industry and city government officials, this upcoming international gathering proposes to explore innovative solutions that leverage design to improve our experience of urban worksites.
Organized by the Ville de Montreal’s Design Bureau in collaboration with the Ville-Marie borough in downtown Montreal and the Saint-Étienne Cité du design, the colloquium will be held in Montréal on October 8-9, 2014, in conjunction with the 27th annual Entretiens Jacques Cartier
Large worksites are an integral part to our cities' development, and a must for 21st century urban revitalization efforts. But their impact is considerable in terms of the economic, social and political disruptions they often generate.
Can design (graphic, architectural, interior, industrial, landscape, event-based, etc.) be called on in early phases of planning, conception and activation of these worksites and provide creative solutions to this major universal challenge? Can design improve our individual and collective experience, and the overall communication strategy of major worksites, or, at least, contribute to reduce their negative impact on the daily lives of commerces, residents and visitors? 
The selection of speakers and case studies presented at this colloquium is the subject of this call for papers. This call targets Montreal boroughs, the UNESCO Cities of Design Network, the partner cities of Commerce Design. Meanwhile, practitioners in other cities and regions of the world are also invited to submit relevant and successful projects.
We seek cases that represent the points of view of the city manager, the architect / designer and the contractor. We wish to highlight good practices and reveal creative processes, from planning to design delivery, including communication strategy. We seek cases that go beyond the simple surface treatment. The scientific committee will focus on the following types of projects:
  • the renewal of major corridors, following the development of new transit systems
  • the renovation of underground infrastructures, with a direct impact on traffic – whether pedestrian, car or bike-related – as well as on residents and businesses
  • downtown pedestrian transformations (permanent or temporary, partial or complete)
  • the construction of large facilities 
  • the strategic revitalization of mix-uses streets, zones or entire neighbourhoods.
For information on eligibility rules, selection criteria and submission instructions, download the Call for papers document.
Submission deadline is Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Laetitia Wolff, Design consultant and colloquium appointed producer 
For the Bureau du design, Ville de Montréal
[email protected]
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal | Map |
Wednesday October 8, 2014, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Keynote speaker, case studies presentations (approx. 5 à 8), various panels and networking activities
Thursday October 9, 2014, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Creative workshop focused on one of Montreal's major worksite


  • Sylvie CHAMPEAU, Design Commissionner, Bureau du design, Service de la Mise en valeur du territoire, Ville de Montréal 
  • Denis COLLERETTE, Planning Advisor, Direction de l’urbanisme et du développement économique et urbain, Ville de Montréal
  • Sylvia-Anne DUPLANTIE, Chief of Division, Aménagement et design urbain, Ville de Montréal 
  • Pierre GAUFRE, Commissionner, Division du développement économique, Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises, Arrondissement de Ville-Marie, Ville de Montréal
  • Marie-Josée LACROIX, Chief of staff, Design Commissionner, Bureau du design, Service de la Mise en valeur du territoire Ville de Montréal 
  • Josyane FRANC, Director of International Affairs, Cité du design, Saint-Étienne, France
  • Nathalie ARNOULD, Design Manager au service des collectivités, Cité du design, Saint-Étienne, France
  • Camille VILAIN, International Project Manager, Cité du design, Saint-Étienne, France
Top image: Graphic rendering of Turning Times Square Inside Out, @TSqArts

This colloquium is endorsed by the Ville de Montréal and the ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec under the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal and by the Jacques Cartier Center. The event will be hosted by the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

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