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Zaha Hadid & Delugan Meissl Assossiated Architects Win ‘Darat King Abdullah II’ Competition in Amman

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jun 27, 2008 - 12:05   9984 views

The Greater Amman Municipality announced the awards of the designschemes for the culture and performing arts venue ‘Darat King AbdullahII’.The Greater Amman Municipality as the promoter ofthe ‘Darat King Abdullah II’ architectural competition credited twodesign proposals with the first prize. The winning offices are theAustrian architects Delugan Meissl Assossiated Architects and theBritish architect Zaha Hadid. The Norwegian architecture office‘Snøhetta’ became third. A second prize was not awarded.Thecompetition was initiated following the directives of His ExcellencyKing Abdullah II supported by a selected group of qualified advisers ofthe Hashemite Royal Office early last year. The aim was to establish acultural centre in Jordan, called ‘Darat King Abdullah II’. The premiumcity center site at Ras Al Ain on the other side of the Al-HusseinCultural Center, the former location of the Tobacco Company, was chosenfor the new venue of Jordan’s performing arts.TheMunicipality decided to organize an international architecturalcompetition with top-class architects experienced in theater and operaplanning, in order to achieve the best and most appropriate design forthis cultural landmark. The selection committee short-listed the sixteams amongst 30 applicants, because they achieved the requirements ofthe Municipality. The others did not fulfill the expectations in termsof the required experience.The building will be designed tobe the center of various art activities and associations, including theAmman Symphony Orchestra, the National Institute of Music, the NationalFolklore Group and the Amman Municipality Group of Folk Art. The ‘DaratKing Abdullah II’ will additionally provide facilities and room forconcerts, dance and theatre performances for local and internationalgroups.This new venue will consist of a large theater,accommodating 1600 persons and a small theater with 400 seats availableboth equipped with highly sophisticated audio systems. Training areasand public facilities, as a restaurant and a café will also beprovided. The development will require a certain level of flexibilityin terms of its design, construction and operation to accommodate largeevents and experimental workshops. ‘Darat King Abdullah II’ willarrange local community events and become the cultural hub for artisticprograms and activities. The building will also offer space forlearning programs, supporting education and training courses forchildren, youth and adults in various disciplines.The other architects participating in the competition were Kerry Hill Architects, HLT Henning Larsen Tegnestue and Atelier Christian de Portzamparc.Internationaland local architects as well as technical experts, specialized intheatre, music, performing arts, acoustics, lighting and specialeffects were part of the competition jury board.