Submitted by Marco Casagrande
Urban Acupuncture - Treasure Hill
Architecture News - Dec 30, 2011 - 10:07 9779 views
Everywhere in the airwas the smell of a slow death. But the energy had not left the place. It waseverywhere: in the ruins of the bulldozed houses, in the furniture, altars andphoto albums of abandoned houses and in the anarchy of the illegal smallgardens by the river. The remaining inhabitants werescared. I felt the human energy inTreasure Hill very strong but also that it was now directed towards death,destruction. I needed to make a plan how to tune this same energy towardsconstruction, like turning over the compost that has been the smelly part ofthe farm just to become the most fertile top soil. I was careful to manipulatethese hidden energy flows and the small elements that I introduced to TreasureHill can be compared to the needles in acupuncture. I call this urban acupuncture.