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The Grand Prize of AIJ 2014
United Kingdom Architecture News - May 25, 2014 - 15:40 2470 views
Grand prizes are presented to individual members whose achievements contribute to the advancement of architecture and building engineering.
Contribution to research and education on structural dynamics and development of seismic engineering
SHIBATA Akenori,Tohoku University Professor Emeritus,Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University Professor Emeritus.The Contribution to Relaxation of Global Environmental Problem by Promotion of Sustainable Building and City
MURAKAMI Syuzo,Emeritus professor , Tokyo Institute of Technology· President , Environment Design Institute
The Prize of AIJ 2014
The prizes of AIJ are presented to individual members for remarkable achievements made in the categories of research theses, architectural design, building engineering and specific contributions in architecture (e.g., town development, preservation of old architecture, technical development)
Research Theses Division
Environmental perception and cognition in daily life: A series of studies
OHNO Ryuzo, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Estimation of Human Casualty Risk Potential in Building Damaged and Their Applications for Seismic Protection
OKADA Shigeyuki , Professor, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering
Assessment of seismic indoor damage based on estimation of furniture behavior
KANEKO Mika , General Manager, Center for Safety and Reliability Engineering,Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation
Development of Numerical Modeling Methods for the Improvement of Air Quality and Thermal Environment Inside and Outside Buildings
KONDO Yasushi , Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo City University
A Study on Urban Design Simulations for Reducing Impacts of Snow and Wind in Snowy and Cold Cities
SETOGUCHI Tsuyoshi , Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Studies on the deformation at shear failure of RC members after flexural yielding and failure modes of RC shear walls
TESHIGAWARA Masaomi , Professor, Dr. Eng. Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
A Series of Studies on Air-conditioning Systems for a High Heat Density Equipment Room
HAYAMA Hirofumi , Professor, Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Engineering
A Series of Studies on Analysis and Generation for Structural Shapes and Systems
HONMA Toshio , Professor, Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
Dimensional Design Technology in the Horyuji Temple Architecture
MIZOGUCHI Akinori , Professor Faculty of Science and Technology,Meijo University
A Series of Studies on Urban and Architectural Space Related to Disaster Management
MURAO Osamu , Professor International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University
For other winners,please visit website
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