Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
New Online Journal:Concrete Flux
Turkey Architecture News - Jul 03, 2014 - 21:18 4529 views
Concrete Flux is a multi-media, multi-disciplinary online journal which takes as its subject matter China's hyper-fast emerging urban spaces, their meaning and one's everyday experiences of them. We believe that a new configuration of space through urbanisation will lead to a new configuration of society. Our aim, then, is to contribute to some understanding of or gain insight into what these spaces, which seem to emerge faster than our minds can log and assess, may mean.
The possibilities of these new modes of thinking will be further pushed in discussion groups to be held both online, through our newsletter, and through events. We also hope that these discussions will offer new ideas and possibilities for new collaborations amongst artists, designers, writers, photographers etc. with an interest in Chinese urban spaces.
Concrete Flux is designed more as a facilitator of and platform for projects than as a project in and of itself.
Issue 01:Beijing
Issue 02:Hybridity
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