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The US, Israel and France: A Trilateral Innovation Forum
United Kingdom Architecture News - Jun 29, 2014 - 15:48 2262 views
The United States, Israel and France are coming together on Monday June 30th at the Cardozo School of Law to launch a “Trilateral Innovation Forum”. The conference will address how to best foster and finance the innovation ecosystem. This public sector-private sector dialogue will “compare different approaches taken by leading countries on innovation policy. Leading investors and entrepreneurs from each country will explore how the private sector responds to and builds upon these government policies to bring tomorrow's promising technologies to market. This dialogue will help to surface best practices across countries, businesses and policies, and lay a foundation for continued engagement about how best to harness law and capital to promote innovation for economic growth”.
Distinguished speakers of the conference include:
H.E. IDO AHARONI, Consul General in New York, State of Israel
PHILIPPE BOUYOUX, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C.
MARIANA MAZZUCATO, Author of "The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths"; R.M. Phillips Professor in the Economics of Innovation, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
SCOTT STERN, David Sarnoff Professor of Management and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
NILI SHALEV, Minister of Economy to North America, State of Israel
DOUG RAND, Assistant Director for Entrepreneurship, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, United States of America
URI LEVINE, Founder & President at Waze; Chairman at FeeX
GEORGES NAHON, CEO at Orange Labs, Silicon Valley, Orange Telecommunications
BRAD BURNHAM, Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures