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Mike Holmes: Condo builders helping owners enjoy eco-living
United Kingdom Architecture News - Jun 29, 2014 - 16:07 2078 views
Innovative condo development On The Go Mimico in Toronto features a state-of-the-art co-generation hybrid system, the first time this Green Globe award-winning system has been used in a high-rise residence.
June 21 is the longest day of the year, the day we’ll get the most daylight hours, which is reason to celebrate. (Not to mention, it’s also my daughter Sherry’s birthday.)
It makes sense to use that extra sunlight. It’s free, clean, renewable — and thanks to huge leaps in technology, it’s getting easier to incorporate solar power in homes.
And condo builders are joining the fun, too.
When most people think condos, they think standard construction — that is, if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. Not true. Just as the housing market has changed over the past 10 years, so has the condo market. Why? Because homeowners are homeowners, whether they live in a 3,000-square-foot house or a 500-sq.-ft. condo.
Homeowners care about healthy indoor air, sustainability, saving money on their monthly bills and, most important, they care about their home and how it works for them. Today’s smart condo builders know who they’re selling to.
It’s no secret that I love houses. They are great investments that homeowners can keep all their lives, and they can change the space so it works for them, especially as they grow older. But is buying a house realistic for everyone? No.
More homeowners choose to or are being forced to raise their families in smaller spaces, like condos. So such issues as indoor air quality and responsible building are becoming more important in the condo market.
Buying a condo doesn’t mean you have to sit out the eco movement and accept the standard concrete box. You can do better than that, and save money.
Some condos going up today are creating the highest level of environmental and sustainable standards. These condo developments are future-focused and help support healthier lifestyles....Continue Reading
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