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The UPC School presents new Masters’ Degree

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jun 27, 2014 - 13:42   1897 views

The UPC School presents new Masters’ Degree

Bercelona-Mediterranean Cities

Master's Degree. Face-To-Face.


The leadership of Barcelona in architectural fields, made by the quality of its architecture -from Gaudí and Modernist to Miralles and many others contemporanean architects-, and especially of its public spaces (seen as one of the basic pillars of the city) draws both on it long Mediterranean tradition as a polis, as well as on an updated revision of its architectural language, where materiality and the simultaneous work at all scales are crucial.

The whole of the Mediterranean has an extraordinary potential for development along these lines that are deeply enshrined in its own history, diversity and geography.

This Masters' degree aims at transferring all this know-how to an international framework with a global outreach, with top quality teaching and discussion.

We want to project into the future these architectural conceptions and experience, via young architects, on all scales, relating both to materiality and with a careful care of the program, close to the situationnist strategies.

This starting course, departs from Barcelona and, crossing the Mediterranean Sea, ends at Istanbul, creating a network to keep the experience alive and updated, to increase it and to share it at coming times.



- Learn to project simultaneously and on different scales. The Masters' aims to overcome the dichotomy between projecting objects (buildings or parts of these) and projecting places (streets, neighbourhoods, cities...) separately.

- Learn how to incorporate materiality (materials, criteria and construction details) right from the first steps of a project.

- Project public spaces as a pillar and raison d'être of the urban structure, and how they interact with the urban fabric and the projects of constructing housing and facilities.

- Master the tools to adapt to the architectural programme with a high level of creativity: a greater programmatic precision leads to more flexible uses and occupation.

- Further develop the relationships between architecture and place, at all scales, especially in the Mediterranean (and other lands between seas), thinking of Barcelona as the base city, highlighting the aspects such as environmental quality, financial and physical elements that have made it possible for this city to become a world beacon.

- Master the architecture of a Mediterranean city, while comparing it to other historic areas and cultures, while meeting the training needs for architecture, urban design and public space.


Who Is It For

The student profile is multi-cultural and international:


-Urban designers.

-Town planners.

-Professionals interested in the project on all scales, with a special emphasis on the relationship between architecture and place, and in public space.

There will be personal interviews and candidates are required to send a cover letter.



60 ECTS (500 teaching hours)
Start date
Start date: October 2014
End date: July 2015
Registration fee

14000 € 
See the section discounts, grants, loans and financial aid for possibilities of advantageous financing conditions.

Applicants are given the option of making a voluntary €5 contribution when formalising their enrolment. As part of the UPC's 0.7% Campaign, this donation will go towards meeting charitable needs in developing countries.

Payment of enrolment fee

The enrolment fee can be paid:
- In a single payment to be paid within the deadline specified in the letter of admission to the programme
- In two instalments:

  • 60% of the amount payable, to be paid within the deadline specified in the letter of admission to the programme
  • Remaining 40% to be paid up to 90 days at the latest after the starting date of the programme


For detailed information,please visit website

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