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Conference: Cultural HELP - Cultural Heritage and Loss Prevention
United Kingdom Architecture News - May 27, 2014 - 11:36 2400 views
6th and 7th of October 2014, Porto, Portugal
The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and the International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness (ICORP) of ICOMOS are honoured to invite you to attend the "Cultural HELP - Cultural Heritage and Loss Prevention" conference to be held in Porto, Portugal, on the 6th and 7th of October 2014.
Recent disasters around the world have shown that, in addition to human losses, cultural heritage losses are also considerable. It is without question that minimizing human losses is the first and foremost priority when developing disaster mitigation strategies. Still, efforts must also be assigned to preserve cultural heritage given its fundamental role in every nation and community.
Currently, cultural heritage is still not given sufficient consideration in disaster risk management strategies. Furthermore, few heritage properties have appropriate disaster risk management plans and procedures. Therefore, the Cultural HELP 2014 conference offers an opportunity to raise awareness on this matter, namely for those involved in disaster risk management.
Conference Topics
Risk mitigation and loss prevention from natural and human-induced disasters
Policies and legislation for risk and loss prevention
Management of cultural heritage in emergencies
Awareness and training for disaster risk reduction
The role of cultural heritage in resilience
Methods and techniques for the protection of cultural heritage
Examples of best practice in risk mitigation and loss prevention
For detailed information,please visit website
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