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The 2014 CPPC Travel Award For Central America And The Caribbean

United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 13, 2014 - 13:43   1981 views

The 2014 CPPC Travel Award For Central America And The Caribbean

Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC) and ICI announce the 2014 CPPC Travel Award for Central America and the Caribbean

Application deadline: April 1, 2014


The Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC) and ICI are pleased to announce an open call for curators: The 2014 CPPC Travel Award for Central America and the Caribbean. In its third edition, this travel award will support a contemporary art curator based anywhere in the world to travel to Central America and the Caribbean to conduct research about art and cultural activities in the region. Intending to generate new collaborations with artists, curators, museums, and cultural centers in the area, this award will cover curatorial residencies, studio visits, and/or archival research. 

The CPPC Travel Award will support a curator to visit either one or multiple locations in Central America and the Caribbean, and will prioritize first encounters, allowing curators that have not traveled to the region to make connections and develop networks. The travel period can be anywhere between three weeks and three months, and take place between May and November 2014. The grant will cover costs of up to $10,000. Funds can be requested to visit one or more of the following countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama; and, in the Caribbean: The Antilles, The Bahamas, Colombia (Caribbean region), and Turks and Caicos Islands.

Independent curators and those with institutional affiliations may apply. Applications from established and emerging curators (3+ years professional experience) will be considered.


To be considered a candidate for the 2013 Travel Grant, a full proposal must contain the following:
•  A letter of approximately 1,500 words (3 pages) describing the proposal for curatorial research for which funds are being requested. This should include a short summary on the reasons why the research is important and why it should happen now, as well as the names of any artists, curators, collections, archives, or institutions with which the applicant hopes to spend time.
•  A travel itinerary or plan for the residency program with proposed dates of travel (one page)
•  A budget covering all travel research costs including any per diem, fees, and translation expenses (one page)
•  A Curriculum Vitae (abridged to no more than 3 pages)


Format: The required documents should be sent by email to [email protected] with Cisneros Travel Award in the subject line. No printed versions should be sent via post. The letter, travel itinerary, budget, and CV should be page-numbered and sent as one single PDF.

Language: Applications may be submitted in English or Spanish.

A jury of professionals who live in, or have extensive knowledge of the region will select the successful applicant.


Grantees are expected to make their own travel arrangements, including securing Visas, if needed. If not fluent in local languages, grantees must allocate funds for a translator. On completion of travel a report of approximately 1,500 words on the outcomes of research is required, together with a budget outlining how the money was spent. Awardees are also expected to submit photographs and a research report on activities in the region that will contribute to the online Journal resource on ICI’s website.

For further information or questions, contact [email protected].

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