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Avenue Foch by Hamonic+Masson Architectes
United Kingdom Architecture News - Apr 28, 2014 - 11:10 2161 views
Avenue Foch, in Paris, is a urban planning project initiated and launched by French studioHamonic+Masson, and endorsed by Anne Hidalgo as part of her Paris mayorship campaign.
For Hamonic+Masson Architectes, this forward-looking, uncommissioned work is a chance to address several subjects. By intentionally choosing to work on a venue with such strong symbolic potential we are questioning our past, present and future. Is it possible to cast a factual look on and evaluate historical places by putting aside all preconceptions? Heritage and modernity, now that’s genuine food for thought!
After erecting new districts on abandoned industrial wasteland, can we now talk about recovering Hausmannian land gone fallow?
After working over two years on this project and being totally free of any need to produce results, Hamonic+Masson Architectes have been able to move forward step by step in serenity. Basing themselves punctiliously on the history of the site, their scenario has been built so as to awaken unsuspected potential. Explaining without unveiling all, transmitting emotions and allowing interpretations; Hamonic+Masson Architectes is here in the art of suggestion and revelation of an existing territory that has the dimension of a landscape. It is not a question of focalizing on the architecture, style or fashion, but to define important moments, scales, routes and moods. Based on the specific characteristics of the site, this rediscovered landscape is a bridge between two territories; central Paris and le Grand Paris. Hamonic+Masson Architectes is opening this door to a grassroots discussion with enthusiasm and conviction. This project is not meant to be carried out as such but to serve as a base and support to the implementation of a genuine repossession of this presently obsolete land area. The architects’ work has now become embroiled in a political debate with the approach of Paris’ upcoming local elections. This is an incredible chance for these architects to offer ideas and discuss with committed politicians. Hamonic+Masson Architectes are, above all else, citizens and intellectuals with a duty to offer suggestions. And the questions they are asking today are the following: What is our vision for tomorrow? And is Paris finished as a city? Hamonic+Masson Architectes has demonstrated that this land area is rich in assets capable of generating the most amazing human and urban adventure.....Continue Reading
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