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ACA: Resources for architects
United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 07, 2014 - 10:23 2535 views
A screenshot of the new ACA website, a resource for all architecture practices.
The Association of Consulting Architects (ACA) has launched its new website to foster discussion and debate about the business of architecture. This is a significant step in the ACA’s advocacy and support for excellent business and employment practices in architecture.
The ACA believes that improved business and employment practices are vital to the ongoing viability of the architectural profession, which is operating in difficult economic environments and at a time when the architect’s role is both in flux and under pressure.
ACA’s charter is to help practices navigate the changing world of practice by providing regular advice and information on business and employment matters, by promoting awareness of and discussion about business issues, and by advocating for better business practices and legislative frameworks.
The ACA was founded in 1987 as the national body representing the interests of employers in industrial matters. It now addresses the “business of architecture” more broadly, with industrial relations as a vital core of ACA activity.
The ACA has branches in all states, with members spanning the range from sole practitioners to large practices, individuals, partnerships and companies.
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