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An RIBA Journal Housing Conference:Understanding the growth opportunities for architects
United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 18, 2014 - 12:03 1977 views
RIBA Journal
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM (BST)
London, United Kingdom
Event Details
An RIBA Journal Housing Conference: Custom Build - Understanding the growth opportunities for architects
The Custom Build sector is about to double in size, a 2013 Ipsos Mori poll found that six million people want to build their own homes. One and a half million want to do this collectively (Collective Custom Build). This will equate to a fee of £100+m a year.
Already a success in several European countries, custom build housing puts design at the heart of housing delivery therefore enabling architects and designers to directly address long-standing problems of quality, diversity, supply, quality and affordability.
This one-day conference will look the housing market and custom build’s place in it. It will assess how large Custom Build can become and explore the key opportunities for architects in this burgeoning market.
Speakers include;
- Isabel Allen - Design Director, HAB Housing
- Cany Ash – Founding Partner, Ash Sakula Architects
- Christopher Brown – Chief Executive, Igloo
- Sam Brown - visiting fellow, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield
- Raymond Connor – CEO, BuildStore Financial Services
- Ben Derbyshire – Managing Partner HTA Design LLP
- Ivan Harbour – Partner, Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners
- Jackie Jacob – London Director, Home and Communities Agency
- Levent Kerimol – Senior Regeneration Officer / Urban Designer at Greater London Authority
- Alastair Parvin – Designer, 00:/ [zero zero]
- Honoré van Rijswijk - director, FRONTWORK
- Mario Wolf - Senior Policy Advisor, Housing, Department for Communities and Local Government
- Gus Zogolovitch – Managing Director, Solid Space & Zog House
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