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Scenography and Theatre Architecture

Architecture News - Apr 28, 2009 - 12:40   12341 views

Prague, 12th March 2009– The twelfth edition of the biggest international exhibition dedicated toscenography and theatre architecture PragueQuadrennial (PQ) will take place in June 2011, however, organizers are alreadybusy preparing it. The PQ 2011 wants to introduce a large number of performancedisciplines from theatre and visual arts to even larger audience than in 2007when almost 30.000 visitors and 5.000 active participants visited the PQ 07. After more than 40years of existence, the Prague Quadrennial International Exhibition ofScenography and Theatre Architecture is changing its name to the PragueQuadrennial of Performance Design and Space, with the goal of breaking down theoften imaginary differences between the performance fields. “In the next edition we want to include awider range of disciplines and genres connected to performance design and toobserve current trends in contemporary performance,” explains Sodja Lotker,Artistic Director of the PQ. This is also the reason for widening theinternational team of curators and commissioners for each section and project.Boris Kudlicka, Slovak stage designer, was appointed the General Commissionerof the PQ. The Prague Quadrennial will betraditionally divided in three main sections: the Section of Countries and Regions,the Architecture Section and the Student Section. “In these days we officially call for countries from all over the worldto take part in all three sections and we announce the deadline forapplications – 30th June 2009,” says Pavla Petrová, the Director of the PQ and theArts and Theatre Institute. The event is focused on professionals and generalpublic. The Prague Quadrennial is announced by the Ministry of Cultureof the Czech Republic and it appoints the Arts andTheatre Institute to be the organizer. More information can be found The PragueQuadrennial of Performance Design and Space is the largest event of its kind inthe world - presenting contemporary work in a variety of performance designdisciplines and genres - costume, stage, light, sound design, and theatrearchitecture for dance, opera, drama, site specific, multi-media performances,and performance art, etc. Every four years, since it’s establishing in 1967,the Prague Quadrennial has presented work from more than seventy countries,from five continents, in individual countries` expositions in three competitivesections. The Golden Triga is awarded for the best exposition as well as goldmedals. The largest part of the PQ 2011 will be again the Section of Countries and Regions thatrepresents works from all performance design disciplines in each country andregion in the past six years. The organizers hope that the national curatorswill have a strong concept that will introduce unique and specific contemporarytrends in a given country or region. Works can be presented in a groupexhibition, a monographic exhibition of a single artist or an exposition/installationthat it itself is performance space. Organizers hope to strengthen presentationin all scenographic disciplines at the PQ 2011 and relations among them. Fifty-onecountries from five continents took part in this section in 2007.Like in theprevious years, vast space will be dedicated to students of art schools in theso-called Student Section. Aftergreat success of the last edition of the PQ, the project Scenofest will strengthenthe educational aspect again. It is a common project of the Prague Quadrennial andthe International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects andTechnicians (OISTAT). The program of Scenofest will consist of workshops,lectures, performances etc. The great interest from the students in the PQ 07 demonstratesthe importance of the event; 2.200 students of theatre and art schools tookpart in it.The ArchitectureSection will deal with the questi