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Call for Papers
Architecture News - Sep 30, 2009 - 12:41 10389 views
Design and Craft: A History of Convergences and Divergences
7th Conference of the International Committee of Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS)
20-22 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium
Conference Strands:
1. The Impact of International Organisations 2. Craft and Tourism 3. Towards an Aesthetic of Objects 4. The Design Critic, a Lost Profession?
5. Revival of Traditional Techniques
6. Craft, Design and Postmodernity
7. Fashion and Craft
8. Ruptures and Continuities: The Historiographic Understanding of Craft and Design 9. Craft and Technological Innovation
1. "Design Centres" and Design Exhibitions 2. Craft and Gender, or contact the organisers.