Submitted by Cüneyt Budak
The Cost of Global Warming Greed
Architecture News - Jul 09, 2009 - 01:46 5544 views
How do you make money? You could build a factorythat makes chairs or open a store that sells chairs. But of course ifyou`re in the government, you make money by finding new sources of taxrevenue, which helps justify giving yourself a salary hike. But what ifyou`re not officially in the government? That`s what pork is for, andwhile environmentalists don`t seem to like cows very much, they do lovetheir pork.
"Green"is more like pink thanks to the kind of pork embedded in Obama`sstimulus package. The billions ladled out for everything from greenjobs to making buildings green to green energy helped shove whoppingfistfuls of money into the pockets of environmental consulting groupsand companies.
Tesla Motors, a much hyped company which doesn`tso much produce cars as magazine articles about itself, got nearly halfa billion in federal funding. This for a company that makes six figuresports cars assembled in the UK and powered by shopping carts full oflaptop batteries that virtually no one has actually driven. Not tomention a company with an embattled leadership, embroiled in numerouslawsuits, which prior to the 465 million in Federal funds was firingits employees through text messages, because it was down to 9 milliondollars in the bank.
Is there really a good reason why half abillion dollars in Federal funds should be paying for luxury sportscars for the rich and famous to be assembled by British workers, whosekey corporate investor is Mercedes Benz? Of course there is, becauseTesla is "Green" and "Green" is unquestionable.And the same people whoview the Ford Explorer as "immoral" for popularizing suburban familySUV`s, think that a six figure sports car powered by over 6000 laptopbatteries is as "moral" as it gets.
"Green" is not aboutscience, it is about the color of money. It is about greed and class.To understand "Green" and the entire absurdity of man-made globalwarming, you don`t need to look at charts and figures. You just need tolook at Al Gore`s net worth, which went from around 2 million to over a100 million dollars. Gore didn`t make that money building homes fororphans, he made that money by promoting a crisis and investing heavilyin the companies that would stand to profit from it.
Imagine aman standing by the shore on a calm sunny day. He begins to cry,"Flood, flood", and though the river remains still, after an hour ortwo, people begin to worry whether he might be right. And that`s whenhe opens his "Flood Prevention" concession. That isn`t only Al Gore`smoneymaking scheme, it`s how to make money by creating a crisis thatdoesn`t actually exist. And in the process, environmental stocks havebecome the new defense stocks. All that was required was to ram througha bill to tax every American in order to fight a war on carbonemissions.
And that`s where pork becomes outright loot, becausethe Al Gores of the Global Warming Panic industry aren`t satisfied withwaiting for crumbs of pork from the table of congress. What`s a fewbillion here and there when you have to keep lobbying legislators forit. Instead they want to take it directly from you. Taking money fromgovernment is big business, but taking money from the pocket of everyAmerican, now that is mega-business.
Enter Cap and Trade, inwhich Al Gore`s Wall Street buddies will make billions tradingsomething even more worthless and
"Green"is more like pink thanks to the kind of pork embedded in Obama`sstimulus package. The billions ladled out for everything from greenjobs to making buildings green to green energy helped shove whoppingfistfuls of money into the pockets of environmental consulting groupsand companies.
Tesla Motors, a much hyped company which doesn`tso much produce cars as magazine articles about itself, got nearly halfa billion in federal funding. This for a company that makes six figuresports cars assembled in the UK and powered by shopping carts full oflaptop batteries that virtually no one has actually driven. Not tomention a company with an embattled leadership, embroiled in numerouslawsuits, which prior to the 465 million in Federal funds was firingits employees through text messages, because it was down to 9 milliondollars in the bank.
Is there really a good reason why half abillion dollars in Federal funds should be paying for luxury sportscars for the rich and famous to be assembled by British workers, whosekey corporate investor is Mercedes Benz? Of course there is, becauseTesla is "Green" and "Green" is unquestionable.And the same people whoview the Ford Explorer as "immoral" for popularizing suburban familySUV`s, think that a six figure sports car powered by over 6000 laptopbatteries is as "moral" as it gets.
"Green" is not aboutscience, it is about the color of money. It is about greed and class.To understand "Green" and the entire absurdity of man-made globalwarming, you don`t need to look at charts and figures. You just need tolook at Al Gore`s net worth, which went from around 2 million to over a100 million dollars. Gore didn`t make that money building homes fororphans, he made that money by promoting a crisis and investing heavilyin the companies that would stand to profit from it.
Imagine aman standing by the shore on a calm sunny day. He begins to cry,"Flood, flood", and though the river remains still, after an hour ortwo, people begin to worry whether he might be right. And that`s whenhe opens his "Flood Prevention" concession. That isn`t only Al Gore`smoneymaking scheme, it`s how to make money by creating a crisis thatdoesn`t actually exist. And in the process, environmental stocks havebecome the new defense stocks. All that was required was to ram througha bill to tax every American in order to fight a war on carbonemissions.
And that`s where pork becomes outright loot, becausethe Al Gores of the Global Warming Panic industry aren`t satisfied withwaiting for crumbs of pork from the table of congress. What`s a fewbillion here and there when you have to keep lobbying legislators forit. Instead they want to take it directly from you. Taking money fromgovernment is big business, but taking money from the pocket of everyAmerican, now that is mega-business.
Enter Cap and Trade, inwhich Al Gore`s Wall Street buddies will make billions tradingsomething even more worthless and