Submitted by WA Contents
Architecture News - Aug 20, 2008 - 16:30 4184 views
Green Options Media’s growing network of environmentally-focusedblogs provides users with a broad spectrum of information on anddirection for making more sustainable choices in their lives. Launchedin February, 2007, Green Options Media has grown into a leader among“green” web portals by combining news, guidance and community featuresfor a wide audience. Both treehuggers and the “green curious” will findinformation they can use and people with whom they can share theirjourneys towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
Written by experienced professionals in their fields, Green OptionsMedia’s individual blogs engage visitors with authoritative content,compelling discussions, and actionable advice. Users new to the “greenlife” can contribute to the conversation by joining in dialogue betweenour writers and visitors on individual blogs, or by starting their ownGreen Options Journal. We don’t preach to the choir, or require acommitment to our vision: we invite anyone with questions, or simplycuriosity, to add their voices to the community, and share theirapproaches to achieving abundance while lightening their environmentalfootprint.