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Theres No Limit

Architecture News - Sep 02, 2008 - 10:21   5417 views

Groundbreaking has begun on what will be the tallest building in the Middle Eastern kingdom of Jordan, the Limitless Towers.

The 200 metre plus towers are being worked on by Dubai property company Limitless LLC who are developing the 300 million USD twin interlinked skyscrapers in Jordan`s capital city, Amman. The architect is American firm, Murphy Jahn.

It will contain 500 apartments spread over 50 storeys of residential accommodation, 10,000 square metres of retail on the lowest levels and as always there`s something to make the project stand out more.

This time the feature to write home about comes in the form of the world`s tallest suspended pool that stands above one of the building`s skybridges 130 metres up. It will have a glass bottom to it making it one of the places you are least likely to swim if you have vertigo.

Perhaps most importantly though for the future is the water recycling facilities that the tower will offer. In such a dry and arid country like Jordan where rainfall is declining and they find themselves brought into conflict with neighbours over water resources it makes perfect sense to deploy this technology which in the case of the Limitless Towers will see a 30% efficiency in consumption.

These plans on introducing the technology the skyscraper will see the developer save an enormous 75,000 liters of water a day, or an Olympic swimming every single month.