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Metaphors: A Creative Design Approach or Theory by ChristineWonoseputro
Architecture News - Mar 10, 2009 - 12:38 9089 views
The word metaphorderived from grammatical language or phrase of expression. In languagegrammatical structure, the word metaphor defined as a direct comparisonbetween two or more seemingly unrelated subjects. The word metaphoritself derived from Greek phrase: metaphoric rhetorical trope – whichin the simple case, a metaphor describe as a first subject is beingequal as the second subject in some ways. Thus, the first subject canbe economically described because of the implicit and explicitattributes or meaning from the second subject, in order to enhance thedescription of the first one. Being known in its usage in literature,especially in poetry, metaphor has been described in few words,emotions, and associations from one context with objects and entitiesin any other different context or meanings.{1} The meaning inlinguistic could be the denotative meaning and connotative meaning. Thedenotative means the positive, the real meaning of a context.Connotative means the implicit meaning of words, sometime it could bethe negative or the hidden meaning of a word.